Chapter 8 Part 1 - Nutcracker

Start from the beginning

"Long live the King!"

Soon, the whole room was thundering with support for my reign. With such support, how could I refuse to lead my subjects? I immediately dismissed court, promising that the next time it was called would be after my coronation. I even gave the servants the day off, to reward them for their years of loyal service. Though they were new to the court, the Hussars showed everyone out, their gleaming swords an awe-inspiring sight.

My Hussars escorted the people out of the Castle, and my sisters escorted me out of the throne room, barely waiting for the doors to close before complaining.

"Nutcracker, how could you kill Herr Stahlbaum?" Clara said.

"Stop," I said as I held up a hand, "I am no longer Nutcracker, I am now King."

"You can't be King! You're still cursed," Clara argued, my other sisters nodding behind her.

Such fools. "Can't you see that it doesn't matter? The Hussars are here, and they will help convince everyone to make me King now."

My sisters twittered amongst themselves, and annoyed with the noise, I walked ahead. The noise lessened, until there was a sudden yelp. I turned around to see a Hussar drag one of them, the youngest, away from the group.

"What are you doing? Unhand her!" Clara shrieked.

"Your Majesty," The Hussar said, ignoring her, "I heard this one whisper, 'what about Lord Candy'. I thought it prudent to draw this to your attention."

Amazing. I hadn't even told the Hussars who Lord Candy was, yet they could sense he was a threat. I turned to my sisters, who were all cowed by my gaze.

"What do you traitors have to say?"

Clara lifted her chin. "In case you've forgotten, we hold the role of regent until a new King or Queen is crowned. For your information, Lord Candy sent a messenger to us an hour after you left the other day, asking about the...the possibility of convening a council to resolve this situation. We have been regent for far too long, and the nobles are anxious to find a new King."

"So he wanted you to crown him."

Clara shook her head 'no', but the anxious look on her face betrayed her. Were there vipers in every nest? Were all of them traitors? My own flesh and blood?

"Your Majesty, what should we do with them?" the Hussar asked, pulling me back to reality.

"Why don't you kill us now, brother dear," Clara spit out. "Your soldiers seem ready enough."

The Hussar's face blanched at Clara's words.

I considered giving in to her request, but had to shake my head.

"No," I said, "I'm sorry sister dear, but I can't grant you your request. We are family, after all." And all of you regent, my mind added. If I executed them, Lord Candy and his lackey nobles would have cause to declare me traitor to the realm and start a war.

Not to mention that my Hussars had enough killing for the time being. They needed to rest, and to make them kill my sisters might cause them to turn against me.

"I have decided what to do" I told the Hussars, "I have forgiven my sisters, but it is clear they need protecting from undue influences. I want one Hussar following each of them at all times. Take shifts if necessary. From now on, all their mail will come directly to me. After all, I must familiarize myself with the running of the Kingdom. Now, I want you to decide among yourselves who will follow which sister. You have five minutes. "

The Hussar nodded and ran off, leaving me alone with my sisters.

"Now that we are alone for the last time, do you have any questions?"

The Nutcracker King (Coming From Darkness #1)Where stories live. Discover now