Hey yall

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I will be updating this tonight. I've had horrible horrible writers block for everything and came very close to deleting it. But I'm not going to. After I reread it I fell in love again and am determined to finish it even if it takes me forever haha.

Thank you all so much for your support and patience, I appreciate and adore you so much.

Onto some random things.

Should I do a soundtrack to this?? I have some ideas but idk if I could be consistent ya know? Any song ideas from the late 60s/70s?

Please keep in mind that this story is about a girl who is, within all basic definitions, crazy. This is a story about self-reflection and guilt and sex and growing up, and it will not end with everyone being happy. Please prepare for that.

Look for the new chapter in a bit.


Polaroid of a Girl [George Daniel]Where stories live. Discover now