Chapter 4 // Tyler

Start from the beginning

Then he turns around and faces the door. Jenna opens it for him and he leaves without hesitating. Okay, I have to be honest: I feel bad for him. But I'm still angry.

Jenna faces me and crosses her arms. "Let's go to sleep."

I shake my head. "What was that all of that?"

"Nothing." She pushes that word out of her mouth as if it was toxic. "He just needed somewhere to stay, but he has a lot of friends, so he can stay with them and leave us alone."

"Why don't you want him to stay?" I can't stop asking question.

Jenna sits by my side, her arms still crossed. "Your brother doesn't want him near you. I don't mind if he stays or not, but I promised your family I would keep you protected. And Josh is a threat right now."

I'm about to ask why but then a heavy headache makes my vision go all blurry and I feel like dropping on the floor and start screaming. Too much information for today. I can't take it.

"Let's go to sleep." Jenna says and hugs me softly. "I will try to explain everything to you tomorrow."

I nod, pain in my head. We go upstairs with a bit of effort and lay down on that big, comfortable bed. I don't know how much time passes but I feel Jenna by my side turn off all the lights and she lays down next to me, moving slowly.

"Goodnight." I whisper and try to face her, but I can't find her in the dark.

"Goodnight." She says a little bit louder and I close my eyes.

Sleep comes slower than I thought, even though I'm tired as hell. I can't stop thinking about Josh; about how his expression went from shameless to petrified in less than a minute, about how his hair went from pale pink to yellow and how the loop in his nose replaced the white thing, about how everyone hates him for some reason.

Yes, I do feel bad for not letting him stay, but he scares me. I don't know what to think of him. Is he really a thread? Should I hate him too? Right now, I just hope he finds somewhere to stay.

When I finally feel sleep coming I have little, short dream. It doesn't feel like a dream though, is more like staring at a mirror and watching everything normally go around you, but more blurry. 

In this "dream" I see Josh, but different. He doesn't have yellow nor pink hair, but he has a mess of red hair and red eyeshadow. He's also wearing a red blazer and has something in his hand (socks? beanies? I don't know).

He whispers something and hands me the thing in his hand. "Ready?"

I swear I hear a crowd calling us, but from where? I don't have control of my body, but I see my hand receiving the thing from Josh's hand and covering my whole head with it. I whisper a few things to myself before facing Josh again.



I wake up suddenly, feeling my heart race against my chest in a hurry. I take a couple of breaths before realizing light's coming from the curtains covering our big window. Wow, I slept all night. Sweat.

Normally, at the hospital I would sleep between three and four hours, and if I was unlucky enough, I would sleep nothing. People were always coming in and leaving my room and the noise was a blast to my ears. That was horrible, but right now this feels good. I knew being with Jenna would make me feel better.

Speaking of her, I turn my head around when my eyes get used to the dim light of the room and try to find her, and turns out she's still asleep. She looks so peaceful I can't help but smile.

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