"Okay. Speaker is on."
"Hi Stef and Lena! Everything okay?"
"Oh yes,  yes everything is fine," Lena cleared her throat, "We just wanted to tell you that we talked to Ami and she has decided that she wants to go to trial, she feels like we need justice for this. She knows that it's going to be hard but she thinks she can do it."
"Okay, I'll let his lawyers know that were not supplying a plea deal. He probably wouldn't have taken it anyways because he is pleading not guilty."
"And you still think we have a good case against him?"
"I think so. Their argument is completely absurd. I don't know how they are going to try to defend it. I'd like to meet in a couple of weeks with you both.. And Amelia if she is alright with it."
Lena answered, "Yeah I think that is a good idea."
"Sounds good. Have a good night ladies."
"You too." I said as before I hung up the phone.

The next morning, I ran right over to the bulletin board before class started, Mariana running behind me trying to catch up.
"Ami! Slow down I'm in heels!" She said, breathing heavily.
"I have to see if the list is up!" I yelled, still running in the hall.
"It'll be up soon! Hey, slow down. Slowwww dowwnnnn." Mariana caught up to me, stopping me.
"It's 7:25. They're putting the list up at 7:30. We have time."
"I'm so nervous," I sighed, catching my breath from running like a track star. "I don't even know why  I'm running towards a list that's not going to have my name on it."
Mariana took me into her embrace with a hug. I reciprocated and we stayed like that for a bit. She let go and looked me straight in the eyes, "Ami. You are the best dancer I've ever seen. And you know I don't lie. The way you move your body and how you can make up anything on the spot.. It's inspiring. So don't be nervous. Please."

We walked at a normal pace to the bulletin board and Jess, the captain, had just pinned it to the cork. I took a deep breath, and walked towards the sheet of paper:

2017 Anchor Beach Dance Team:
Assistant Captains:   MARIANA FOSTER & LEXI  RIVERA

Newest Additions to the team:
Julia Aarons
Alison Gilbert
Meredith Johnson
Katie O'Brian
Emma Shaw
Maeve Williams

I looked at it with such disbelief. Tears slowly started to stream down my face but I quickly wiped them away. Without looking back, I ran to Lena's office.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," I said, looking at this stupid, stupid list, "What the heck Jess?! Amelia was the best dancer in there, and you know that. Why did you do this to her?"
"She just seems... a little odd... and different from the others. She's not a good fit for the team."
"Oh so just because she's different that means she doesn't deserve to be on a team she's perfect for?!"
Jess was about to answer but I cut her off, "You know what? I really don't care anymore. I quit. No one treats my little sister like this and gets away with it." I stormed off, planning to find Amelia.

Monte and I were in my office and going over the schedule for midterms and when we thought the students should have their winter break when Amelia came in, looking as if she had seen a ghost.

"Amelia? Honey what's the matter?" I asked, rising from my seat.
"I'll leave you two alone; Lena I'll meet up with you later on in the day?" Monte whispered.
"Yes, yeah thank you Monte."
Monte left to her office as she gave Amelia a caring smile. Amelia, still looking as if she was ready to break down.
"Ami I need you to sit down and tell me what happened." I slowly walked towards her, trying to meet her gaze. She kept looking straight, in a daze. She walked over to the sofa and sat down and that beautiful voice was heard in a soft tone,
"Do you think I'm different?" Her eyes were still staring straight. I sat down next to her, trying to shift her focus to me.
"Being different is a good thing, love. It means you're unique. And that's pretty special."
"I disagree," She finally met my gaze, her eyes welling up with tears. "I don't want to be different. If I knew that being different would cost me a spot in the dance team then I would have tried a little harder to fit in." She put her head into her hands and sobbed and sobbed. I hugged her tightly while simultaneously rubbing her back, trying to ease her breathing. "Shh..shh.. it's okay. I'm here. It's okay. Amelia look at me."
She looked up slowly, eyes puffy and rapid sniffling.
"I am so, so sorry. They do not know what they are missing out on. None of them have the passion that you have in your little body. You truly have a gift. And if they can't see that, well then screw them!" My response made her laugh a little bit, she sniffled and wiped the tears off of her cheek, "I'm gonna be late for homeroom, I have to go." She rose and composed herself, ready to head out the door.
"You sure you're alright, love?"
"Y-yeah don't worry about me."
"Please come to me if you need to, okay?"
"Okay." She leaned in for a hug and I embraced it. I was ready to let go but she wasn't ready just yet. It felt so nice to have her need me.

She left for homeroom and just about five minutes after, Mariana came bursting in looking for Amelia.
"Have you seen Ami?!" Mariana panted 
"Yes she just left here about five minutes ago, why what's wrong hun?"
"Well when she saw the list for dance team she ran and I stayed behind to give those bitches a piece of my mind for not giving her a spot on the team."
"Okay first of all; language. No need to say bitches in school. And second of all; she is fine babe. We had a talk, she let out some tears which is good, and she's going to homeroom now, as should you. We can talk about this when we all get home, yes?" I kissed Mariana on the forehead and sent her to homeroom.

Homeroom ended and I made my way to my first class, biology. My mood got a little better when I remembered I kind of made a friend in that class, Riley.

I sat down at my seat and pulled out my notebook and pen to get started with the class when she sat next to me,
"Hey, Amelia!"
"Hi!" I was instantly in a better mood and forgot what had happened with dance.
"So I feel like I know nothing about you! Tell me some things about you, I wanna get to know you." She friendly nudged me.
I laughed, "Haha, okay. I've lived here ever since I was born but I've never been to.. Like actual school before, I've always been homeschooled."
"That's sick! Any particular reason why your mom and dad didn't send you to public school?"
I hesitated, "Well... I really don't have a mom or dad. I've lived in this town all my life but I've moved a lot. I'm a foster kid so I get bumped from one house to another." This was the first person outside the Fosters that knows about me and my past, I hoped she wasn't going to get creeped out.
Her eyes widened in surprise, "Oh! I didn't know that, I'm sorry. If you don't mind me asking, how old were you when you got put into foster care?"
"I was five years old, and I've been in four homes over the past two years. Some were really amazing but... the recent one I was in, wasn't so good." I cleared my throat to stop myself from breaking down, "Anyways, my life is crazy but it's a good life."
"That's really interesting, Amelia. I know you might not think it but it is. Ive never heard anyone with the same life ."
"Haha that might be a good thing."
We both laughed and talked about much less depressing things until our teacher started the lesson.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, good morning and welcome to class. Everyone take out your notebooks, were gonna start with a little bit of note taking. Today's date is March 7th, 2017."

Twenty minutes later,  notes ended and he begun to talk about the project he had briefly mentioned the class before.

"So your project is going to be worth 100 points and you can work with a partner and you and that person are going to come up with a topic, that has to be biology related, and build a presentation on it. It can be about pretty much anything - but make it interesting! I'll give you the rest of class to find a partner and start brainstorming ideas. Get to it!"

Immediately after he said the word "partners" , Riley made eye contact with me. It gave me a good feeling. That good feeling lingered in me throughout the whole day.

Maybe this is where I belong...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें