Ford finds Demons

Start from the beginning

I walked closer and it was just a statue of him. Bill was humam in this one. I sat besides him and put my head on his lap.

"The great cipher still does live, uh?"
"I can't believe after all these years I finally see you again"
"I can't believe after so long, I-I l've missed you so much."
"Don't worry Pinetree~ I'm still with you" B-B-B-Bill

I looked at him and it was maybe just me and my imagination. I looked at the sky and fell asleep.

"Don't worry my Pinetree~ I'll keep you safe"

Pov Mable

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Where did Dipper?
Oh my gosh!

"Grunkle Ford, Grunkle Stan!"
"Mabel what's wrong" Grunkle Stan asked
"Dipper's gone missing it's been 5 hours and its already dark" I panicked
"Mable don't worry" Grunkle Stan said
"What happens if a pack of wolf ate him or worse Bill?" I said
"There no way that Bill's back" Stan said
"There may be that small chance" Ford said
"What!?!" We both shouted
"He can't be alive you erased him from my memories" Stan said
"Yes that is true, but you regained your memories making it possible for Bill being alive" Ford said
"Dipper could be in danger!" I yelled
"Why did he leave" I asked after taking deep breathes
"I know"Grunkle Ford said
"Tell us" Grunkle Stan said
"I went to pay him a visit and he was study "Ave tenebris'" Grunkle Ford said
"What's that" I ask
"It's a very dangerous creature and it's part demon, he was studying it and I caught him and I almost burn his journal" Grunkle Ford said
"Why would you do that" Grunkle Stan
"Because those creature are dangours I meant one and so did he and I told him to stop studying them and he yelled no" Grunlke Stan said
"He finally got a backbone" Grunkle stan said
"Yeah ever since we left gravity falls he's changed so much, he finally grew a backbone and I was afraid of Dipper at one point. One time was being bullied and Dipper showed up and beat them up, that day was scary he looked like Bill for a moment...I guess when Bill took over his body he left some of him in there" I said
"We need to find him now" Grunkle ford said

Im getting worried because that memory still scares me. I hope my thought didn't come true.
Ford ran out of the house and went to look for Dipper.

Pov Andrew

I decide to come out and I saw Master sleeping. I couldn't wake up and he was sleep on a rock. I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't. I know humans don't do this. I better find Masters family. I transformed out of my bird form to my human form.

"Master I'll be back." I said
"servare incolumem a domino meo tenebras creaturae Dei" I chanted

I ran to the edge of the woods and saw the man that yelled at him. He was my only chance of getting Master help. I turn back to my bird form and flew up to him.

"Ave tenebris stay away" He said

What's wrong with this human, why is he so aggressive?

"What have you done with My nephew" he yelled

Are humans always this annoying?

"Answer me" He yelled
"My Master needs your help" I answered
"What?" He yelled

I feel bad for master if there related. It took us three hours to get there so I have to deal with this one as well.

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