The call!!!

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" Happy 14th Birthday Kali!!!!!!!!!!!!! " yelled my mom

" Thanks Mom" I said groggily

" Well I have to go get some groceries and do some other things but make sure by time I get back you looking fresh or how ever you kids say it now a days" said my mom

"alright" I replied

she closes the door behind her as I get up to go to the closet I see my phone and I instantly log on to snapchat and see a whole bunch of messages from people wishing me a happy birthday.


"What should I wear today" I asked myself

what I chose to wear

what I chose to wear

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

After getting dress I spray on some clix blue Axe body spray and sat on the couch waiting for my mom to come back when I got a weird feeling and all of a sudden I got a call from Calvary hospital which was a the local hospital and it was located in Brooklyn my home town.

so of course I pick up thinking it was for my dad over dosing or something dumb even though that's not something I should say but its happens so often that it's normal for me

"Hello is this Kali Sanders?" said the doctor

"Yes it is" I replied

"Well this Dr. Natalie from Calvary Hospital and I have some very bad news about your mother Venus Lopez she has been shot three times in the head and she did not make it sorry sweet heart" The doctor said sadly

When I heard those words I froze and dropped the phone as tears just ran down my face I finally picked up the phone and the doctor said " The person that did it happened to be father due to him being intoxicated with heroine and whiskey in his system the club owner said that he was starting to show his genitals to people in the club so he called your mom to come get him of course she came and he started to get aggressive when he saw her and pulled out his gun and shot her three times in the head and fled the scene as police pulled up so make sure you lock all the doors and windows there will be a cop to come pick you up in five minutes if your father shows"

I cut her off " That's not my fucking father he's a murderer" I screamed my voice shaky with anger with tears rushing down my face.

"Ok Ma'am officer Carter should be pulling up so pack your bags your going to stay with her for now until we find your fa the murderer" she corrected her self

to be continued bye my luvs enjoy my new book

Pure LGBT STUDxSTUDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें