questions and dares

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Husky;so we have some questions and a dare
Jason;so what are they
Husky;well Wolf-Productions dares us to read a lemon amd share our thoughts
Seto;*blushes*oh no...
Husky;so here let me find a lemon *grabes laptop and looks* oh here we go so I found two lemons that would be good
Seto;what are they?
Husky;skyMu and seto solace
Husky;because I want to torcher you *reads*
Jason;*reads it*
Seto;*reads it*
Husky;so I liked it
Jason;I don't like it
Seto;neither do I
Husky;so question one;jason why do you like seto?
Jason;well because he's really nice he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen his hair is amazing basically because he's him
Husky;awwww question two;what's you favorite animal
Jason;either a bat or a pig
Husky;wolf, question three;what's your favorite pokemon
Husky;pikachu anyways that's all for now and thanks again Wolf-Productions for the questions and dare bye
Seto;good bye

ask or dare setoMUWhere stories live. Discover now