Fat Bastard

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What is happening, am I dreaming?
"Pinch me", I said to Shawn.
"Excuse me?" he replied.
I stuck my arm out and repeated myself once again. "Pinch me".
"I'm going to act like this is totally normal and just pinch you.. ok?" he joked.
I nodded vigorously.
Ok what the heck. Shawn pinched me and it's not a dream. Wait did I just say Shawn pinched me? Shawn Mendes!?
I quickly scanned the person in front of me- he was definitely Shawn Mendes.
"If you're here to tell me that the concert's over, then uh yeah I think I already noticed" I hesitantly stated. My voice was shaky.
At this point Jade slyly smiled at me from the cab, then she mouthed "this is crazy but I told you he liked you. Have fun Sash."
Wh-what's happening. Since when did Jade analyse guys. And that too famous ones.
Shawn snapped playfully in front of my face, to wake me from the 'dreaming dead'.
"Uh-um you were saying?" I hesitantly questioned.
"I was asking you whether you wanted to come grab some Mexican food with me. I haven't forgotten, you know", he said with a wink and a grin.
"Okay wait what?"
Oh right. I had dramatically claimed my love for Mexican Food earlier.
As he looked at me like I was slow or something, I felt my cheeks flush. Thank goodness I have darker skin and it's night time otherwise I would have literally died of embarrassment.
"You up for a late night Mexican munch?", he questioned (again).
I still haven't gotten over the fact that Shawn Mendes just asked me out. He's still my idol. People don't change within a minute, you know.
"Umm yeah I guess I mean like of course I mean I'm not desperate, it's not like I don't have other things to do but I suppose I'll go get Mexican food with you, Shawn Mendes. Um. I mean sorry. I didn't just say all that. I meant sure. Sure. Of course". Oh my god. I'm usually so confident. Why the hell did I just ramble like that!?
I could see Shawn smiling through the side of my head, but I didn't look. Too embarrassing.
"Fat Bastard?" I heard Shawn say.
I spun around. "Excuse me? What did you just call me?" I was literally raging. What a mood swing.
"Calm down, calm down I'm only asking you if Fat Bastard is fine with you. It's a Mexican Food chain. The best in town". "And just so you know, I'd never call you a Fat Bastard", he laughed.
Oh god. That laugh of his. Hypnotises people.
"Ok yeah."
Shawn smiled. "So Fat Bastard?"
"Fat Bastard". I confirmed.
And away we went.

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