Chapter 30 - Water

Start from the beginning

He tasted nicer than everyone else?

"I guess it just depends on the person. I don't really focus much when I'm hungry."

"Kristen, you're so obvious." Matt murmured under his breath as he leaned forward so only she could hear it.

Kristen shrugged. "I don't care. Who's going to believe them?" She smiled as Matt thought for a moment and then relaxed back in his seat. "Anyway, I like playing mind games."

"I know."

Kristen tried to hide her smirk as she leaned forward and touched his hand lightly. He forced himself to keep his hand there, wondering how she was going to react to him. He needed some kind of clue on what they were supposed to be in public. She twisted his fingers slightly with hers but it wasn't enough to make it obvious. "I can be serious though."


"When I'm at your house." She said and squeezed his fingers. Matt bowed his head to prevent himself from looking at her.

Did that mean that she was serious about them? Or was she just referring to the talks they'd shared?

"Matt, what are we?"

"What?" He answered, startled.

She dropped his hand and grabbed her chair. Next thing he knew, she was next to him, pressing into his arm casually as if sharing a secret. "I don't know whether to hold your hand or keep my distance or anything. What are we?"

"I dont know." He answered quietly as he looked around. People were starting to stare and he didnt want them to. "Can we talk about this somewhere else?"

Kristen didnt move. "I need to know. Do you like us being this way?" She pressed closer into Matt's side and he swallowed. He didn't even need to answer; his heart answered for him, speeding up like a wind up toy in reaction to her. He knew she could hear it because her fingers skimmed his under the table. "I dont want to do anything you're unhappy with but you're giving me encouraging signals. Please tell me." She poked his thigh gently.

Matt didnt know what to say but he didn't want it to go back to before. He liked Kristen being close. He couldn't lie to himself. So what if people commented? It was none of their business. Kristen had decided her fate. He couldn't save her from him even if he tried. 

Unable to say all of that, he just grabbed her hand, interlaced his fingers and squeezed. He felt her squeeze back and ice flew up his arm in a shiver. 

"Tell me if I go to far." She whispered before she covered their locked hands with her free one and leaned against his shoulder.

Matt could already hear the whispers. People were looking, noticing their physical touches, watching curiously as Matt didn't push her away. He could see them thinking Why? Why her? What's so special about her? He swallowed and almost winced as he heard some people bash into each other in the line because they were so distracted.

He didn't like the attention but Kristen didn't seem fazed. In fact, she was messing with their fingers in a care free manner, smiling to herself like an idiot.

"Aren't you aware of these people?" He asked, almost shocked at her lack of reaction to their public affection.

"Who cares? It's not their business."

She leaned up and Matt instinctively moved a strand of hair behind her face. He immediately heard gasps around the room and flinched, removing his hand immediately. "I feel like I'm in a zoo and everyone's staring at us.

"Could be a lot worse." She said as she thumbed Matt's cheek absentmindedly. "We could start making out and then maybe we'd create a heart attack."

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