"I'll have a Sprite."

"Ok I'll be right back with those." She smiled an walked off.

"When's your birthday?" Harry asked

"May fourth."

"May the fourth be with you!"

"Ya ya, I know my birthday is on Star Wars Day!"

"That's cool, so do you like Star Wars?"

"Yes! It's a pretty cool movie, but I love scary movies way better!"

"Really!?!? Me too! Have you seen Evil Dead?"

"Yes! The ending to that movie was epic!"

"I know right?!"

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but what would you guys like to eat this evening?"

"We'll have the couples steak, please."

"Alright I'll be back with your steak you can go up to the salad bar whenever you want."

"Thank you." I said

"Shall we?" Harry asked pointing his arm to the salad bar.

"We shall."

The salad bar was A-MAZ-ING! There was a bunch of pasta salads that I loved and there was many fruits to choose from!

A little while later the waitress brought our raw steak to the table.

"Let the challenge begin!" Harry said in a deep voice that sounded like Darth Vader.

"You're going down Hazza!"

"Sure I am!?"

(After they where done cooking) Harry's Pov

It's pretty noticeable that Lillie won! Because I sorta burned my piece....so now she was laughing!

"It wasn't fair, I was cooking the steak and forgot about it!?"

"Excuses excuses! I deserve a kiss anytime soon!"

"Oh, I'm saving that for later sweetheart!" I giggled

"Ok! Let's dig in, after we pray!"


"Bless us oh Lord for these thy gifts that we are about to receive through thy bounty through Christ our Lord, amen."

"And I thought I was the only one who prayed before dinner!"

"I always pray before dinner whether I'm at home or at a fancy restaurant!" Lillie said proudly!

"This steak is amazing chef!"

"Now you think I am good at cooking?!"

"Well, you've proved yourself Styles!"

"I knew I would! After this we're going to the park to take a walk."

"Alright!" There was a moment if silence... "Harry what day is it today?"

"It's the third of April, why?"

"It's my dad's birthday today."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, it's not your fault he died!"

She always had a way to cheer someone up!

"Can we have our bill please?"


"Thank you so much for tonight it's been wonderful, so far!"

"Anything for my Lillie."

Lillie's Pov

That's right! I'm his, and he's mine! The waitress brought back the bill Harry paid then we left.

The park was down the road so walked there. We were hand in hand walking down the sidewalk, I could hear music playing. It was smooth music.

"There's a band playing tonight and I thought it would be nice to walk and listen to music." Harry said.

He was so generous and he did everything with love and compassion!

Harry's Pov

We had been walking for a while and we came up to this huge water fountain. I remembered that I owed Lillie a kiss because she won at making the best garlic bread.

"Well I guess I'll give you your prize now."

"Alright Hazz."

I kissed her forehead, then her nose, then her lips. Her lips where so soft and I could 'taste her cherry Chapstick' I'm pretty sure that line is in a song! Funny, you can think of the weirdest things while kissing but right know all I should be focused on is Lillie, not her cherry Chapstick! But really I need to know how she learned to kiss so good the suspense is killing me!

I broke the kiss and asked "Where on earth did you learn to kiss so good Lillie?"

"Well when I was at home with my mom and younger siblings I had an iPad and I read a lot of fan fiction!"

"Oh, have you ever kissed any one before?"

"Your my first!"

"And I hope to be your last!" I said proudly and smiled at her. She blushed a little. She's so cute. We continued to walk and we finally stopped by where the band was playing.

"Do you wanna dance?" Oh boy, the only dance I was good at was the Cupid shuffle, the Macarena, and the Wobble! I don't know how to dance to this song is just like- just sway back and forth, or waltz like crazy...I don't know but I'll do anything for my Lillie!


She just held me close and we swayed to the song Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. This was my favorite song, with my favorite girl, at my favorite park! It was the best date ever!

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