Chapter V

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          Only an hour passed before two Saint Mungo's Healers came to try and pick Aislyn up. Even Dumbledore straight up denied them, telling them in his own way that they didn't trust St. Mungo's at the moment due to their letting Death Eaters take her in the first place. It was another day before the Marauders were allowed to come and see her, and yet another before the girls and the Prewett twins were allowed. So, there they sat, five days after she had been rescued. Sirius wasn't paying attention to anything, only focusing on the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest, the others were chatting amongst themselves, still alert in case she were to wake up. Her injuries were numerous, and she would have an even more impressive collection of scars after the wounds healed. Then again, that was only the physiological aspect of things, there was still no telling the amount of psychological damage she could wake up with.

          "Madam Pomfrey?" Gideon started.

          She gave a small nod to let him know she was listening.

          "Why is it taking so long for her to wake up?" Fabian finished.

          This question started Madam Pomfrey on a long-winded explanation. "Well, taking into account all of the injuries that she came here with, most of which are healed by now, she went through quite a lot. Now, normally, when you physically or psychologically exert yourself during the day-- a test, for instance-- you require rest afterwards. This is your body's way of recuperating and recharging, and, if you've had a particularly trying day, of processing what you may have seen or felt. However, since she probably didn't get very restful sleep there, she had no way of processing what she saw and felt each day so that it didn't build up. Now that she's in a safer place, her body is sleeping for this long because of all of the pent up trauma that she didn't get to process before. Likewise, if she didn't take this long to wake up, I would be very worried, because if she doesn't get enough time to process and realize things that happened, she may have likely gone mad. As it is, I will be incredibly surprised if she doesn't wake up with some form of what the Muggles call PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."

          Everyone nodded in understanding. Madam Pomfrey continued, "In fact, she should be waking up within the next few days."


          Madam Pomfrey was correct, Aislyn woke up the next day during the middle of lunch. Pomfrey started fussing immediately, but she managed to sneak past her as a mouse as soon as the nurse turned her back. She rushed down to the Great Hall and saw the clock at twelve thirty on the dot. Since this meant that it was lunch time, she casually sauntered into the Hall. Sirius was the first one to notice, his eyes widening comically as he did. Remus followed his gaze in confusion and a large smile lit up his face. James noticed after that, and spit out his pumpkin juice all over Fabian and Gideon. The rest of the girls noticed, and they screeched in excitement as they stampeded and gave her a big group hug. Except for Marlene, who was to "cool" to do it. She instead settled for patting her on the back when the other girls had retreated.

          Fabian and Gideon noticed her small winces of pain and got up. "Alright, alright, girls, time to leave little miss Vixen alone."

          Aislyn gave the two twins a small smile of gratitude. James gave her a small hug, Remus nodded, Peter shook her hand, and Sirius gave her a gentle, but firm, bear hug. She followed them back to the table where she had a small serving of chicken and mashed potatoes. Sirius was the first to ask her anything. "So, Ash, is everything okay?"

          Ash decided it was unwise to respond with anything other than, "Of course, I'm back, aren't I? That's what matters."

          The Marauders noticed how tense she was, but decided not to mention it. Instead, they resumed normal conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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