Chapter II

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The next morning, September second of nineteen seventy-seven, was a Friday. They only had one day of classes to get through. Nothing major can happen, right? Well, let's hope so. After all, who wants to deal with stuff at the very beginning of the school year? Certainly not Ash.

The seventeen year old metamorphmagus woke up and stretched out her arms. She had fallen asleep in an exercise bra and black sweatpants. She bent backwards a little bit, but immediately thought better of it when she heard the scabs on her back start to crack. She threw off the covers and stepped out of bed. The girl flexed her toes and fingers. She slowly crept to her dresser and pulled out her uniform for the day. She had a grey skirt that went down two inches past her thighs with ruffles in the back and two black leather strips acting as buckles. She had a white button up blouse that had three-quarter length sleeves. She had black lacy tights with floral patterns, and boots that went up to her shin. They tied up and had two and a half inch heels. She also put on her Gryffindor robe, and then her wand in one of the pockets.

For jewelry, she had many rings. One was black with three pearls and small purple jewels in it. Another had a purple diamond with mini black wings coming out the side, and the other had a black tear drop shaped purple diamond with mini diamonds and purple diamonds going around the perimeter of the ring. All of them had a base colour of black though. She kept her Gryffindor choker, and put in a favourite pair of earrings. They had small golden studs to hold them in, with a rose below that and leaves coming out the bottom of the rose. Lastly, she put on a gold laurel shaped circlet. Her hair was a silvery pastel lavender that darkened and gained blue bits at the bottom.

By this time, the other girls had woken up, and Aislyn was ready to head down to breakfast, which started as early as six in the morning and went until eight forty-five. It was currently seven in the morning. Aislyn gave a quick "morning!" to the girls before starting down the stairs. The boys met her in the common room. Peter was still sleeping. The Marauders, save for Peter, rushed down the stairs. They flew into the Great Hall and sat down. Ash was panting due to the sudden physical exertion. Sirius, Fabian, and Ash sat across from James, Remus, and Gideon.

"Ugh," Fabian groaned. "It's too--"

"Early to be up," Gideon finished. Ash had to stifle a laugh as he face planted his oatmeal and started to snore. He jumped up with his hands out, like he was ready for a fight. "Who was that! I'll fight you!"

"No one's there, Gid," Fabian snorted. All those in the Hall that were awake immediately started laughing.

Later, everybody started trickling into the hall. The girls sat next to the Marauders and the twins, if only to talk with Aislyn. The heads of house were soon around to deliver the schedules. James took one look at his and gave a groan of agitation. "Great, my first period is with the Slytherins!"

"Don't worry mate, so do the rest of us," Sirius muttered.

"Come on, let's hurry up and get over there," Ash mumbled. She stood up with the rest of the boys and girls and started the trek to the Charms classroom.

They got there five minutes late, thanks to one of the twins. Fabian got them lost in one of the foreign levels. Suffice it to say, now most of them had slightly scorched books and smelled of burning meat. They got to the classroom only to find that Professor Flitwick was not yet there. Ash smirked and set her books down. She ducked out of the classroom and changed into Flitwick. She walked in and perfectly imitated the high and squeaky voice of their Charms professor. "Wake up, McClellan! Detention, Mr. Drew! We do not burn our signature into the desks." With a wave of her wand, she sent a smack of air at McClellan, which caused him to flip out of his seat. The Gryffindors laughed at the unfortunate Slytherin. "Hush, you wouldn't like it if I did that to you, would you?" That shut their traps.

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