Samantha- Nah, I'm good.

Zayn- I'm in! *takes his shirt and pants off and gets into the water,too*

Liam- Alright, alright. *does the same*

Tara- I'm not doing that.

Heidi- *takes her stuff off, too* Come on, Tara! It'll be fun!

Tara- Oh, fine. *smiles and does the same*

Taia- *does the same* Come on, Niall!

Niall- No, no. I'm okay.

Tara- Come on, what's the big deal?

Niall- I just don't want to.

Liam- He can't swim!

Zayn- He's afraid of sharks!

Harry- He's insecure about his body!

Louis- *still sitting in the sand with Samantha* Ding, ding, ding! The winner is Harry Styles!

Niall- *shakes his head and smiles a little* No, I just don't feel like swimming.

Zayn- LIES!!!

Tara- *gets out of water and walks up to him* You're gonna swim with us....

Niall- I don't want to.

Tara- *starts pulling his shirt off of him*

Niall- Tara! *smiles*

Louis- RAPE!

~Everyone else laughs~

Tara- *gets it off him* Come on.

Niall- *sighs, still smiling* Oh, fine. *takes his pants off and gets in the water*

Liam- *looks at Samantha and Louis* How come you two aren't swimming?

Louis- We don't want to.

Harry- Neither did Niall and look at him. *points at Niall, swimming*

Samantha- We're thinking thinking about heading back.

Niall- Why?

Samantha- Because we want to....

Heidi- What are you gonna go do?

Louis- We are gonna go home. That's all.

Zayn- What kinda rubbish is that?

Louis- *flips Zayn off and smiles*

Tara- Well, bye I guess!

Samantha- *waves*

~Louis and Samantha walk back up the beach and go home.~

~With Louis and Samantha~

~They go inside the apartment~

Louis- I got sand in my shoes. *takes his Loafers off*

Samantha- I'm sorry. *smiles*

Louis- *goes up to her and puts his arms around her waist and pulls her into a hug* What do you want to do, babe?

Samantha- I don't know.

Louis- *takes her hand and leads her to the sofa*

Samantha- *sits by him and smiles*

Louis- What?

Samantha- I don't know. I'm just really happy right now.

Louis- *smiles* Why?

Samantha- Because I'm with you.

Louis- *starts kissing her*

~His hands are on her waist and her hands are around his neck. They keep kissing and she gets on top of him. They kiss for 10 minutes.~

Samantha- *pulls away* How long has it been? *still on top of him*

Louis- Not long enough.

~He starts kissing her again, but this time he gets up and carries her to their bedroom. He puts her on the bed and gets on top of her and keeps kissing her.~

Samantha- *takes his shirt off*

~They switch sides and she get so top now. She starts kissing his chest and he pulls her Batman shirt off.~

Samantha- Louis?

Louis- What?

Samantha- I love you.

Louis- *smiles* I love you, too. Do you really want to do this?

Samantha- I said I loved you, didn't I?

Louis- *smiles*

Samantha- *pulls his pants off and kisses him again*

Louis- *keeps kissing her and unbuttons her shorts and pulls them off*


Hoped you guys liked this chapter. Please vote,comment,follow me,and read my other stories please.

~ 1Dloverforever1💋

You've Got That One Thing( A One Direction Love Story) ***Discontinued***Where stories live. Discover now