Part 5

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The next few weeks passed the same. A torturous week of secrets and pretending to hardly like Dan for a few glorious hours of being free and open, wandering carelessly through the woods, laughing and falling even more in love.

Every week was different. Some weeks they would discuss books and the universe and on others they would run, laughing as they ducked under trees until one caught the other, toppling over into a pile of dead leaves littering the floor.

That night was the night Phil realised he wanted to be with Dan forever. He even a little shamefully planned what their lives would be like when Dan finally finished his education, and how happy they would be together. Being able to show the world they didn't give a shit about the age difference. It was one of the best things he could ever imagine and couldn't wait to experience it. Dan made him feel whole.

It was weird seeing the different Dan at school compared to the real one he had gotten to know so well. The Dan at school had changed from the obnoxious idiot Phil had first met him as and he had got to know him as a shy sensitive boy who cared for comedy and art. One night Dan had even sat and sketched Phil against the pond, capturing the moonlight on his face. They had also decided to take a picture together for Dan to draw (in secret of course) to give to Phil as a memory.

Sadly his school friends hadn't changed. Dan still hung out mostly with his loud gang of twats but sometimes sat with Chris and Pj, the boys who he shared a table with in his history class with Phil teaching. Phil preferred seeing him with the people more like him, who actually cared, not the people he kept company with for the image he felt he had to keep up

One Monday lesson he came barging in with his mates with them swarmed around them, yelling noisily at each other. Dan looked a little nervous, trying to smile confidently but phil Knew something had happened. Phil listened in but only heard snippets of what they were saying.
"At the party-"
"I don't believe he was kissing her-"
"Dan my man you need to tell us all the details!"
"Dan you player, all you need is a good fuck when you're drunk. Always leave them hanging mate."

Dan looked over to Phil, knowing he had heard what his 'mate' had said, looking guilty. Phil silently turned his back. He had been cheated on. By a boy 6 years younger than him, and now he felt heart broken. Fucking teenage boys and their hormones.

He felt so stupid, humiliated. Why did he feel he could trust Dan? He was a twat, joining in with his twatty friends being a twat, picking up girls (of course) and not caring, not needing feelings.

But that didn't stop Phil from loving him. He may be a complete idiot, but he was still perfect in his eyes. Phil hardly got up at all that lesson. He told the class he was feeling ill and said to them he was going to get someone to cover for him while he went home. It wasn't a complete lie, he did feel ill. He felt lovesick.

When he finally got home he walked steadily upstairs, his face a stony mask of numbness, everything held inside. Some form of shock was still in his circuits, and he wasn't completely sure how to get rid of it. But as soon as his head touched his pillows he was a sobbing mess. His eyes were creating streams of tears, his pillow was sodden in minutes, his nose running freely and mumbling loudly for this never to have happened. He had never felt this horrible about a relationship before, and he had had some really shit ones stamped on his track record.

After about half an hour of weeping he was desperately thirsty and went down to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He drank it down quickly, feeling slightly more refreshed, though he was still distraught. He heard a buzzing coming from his coat pocket he had thrown off when he had got inside. He walked through and pulled it out. He had several missed calls and one new message. All from Dan. He deleted the calls from his history and opened the message.

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