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I sat on the tree stump in front of my house watching his car slowly pulled out of the drive way. It was a simple gray ford focus that would match with the owner's eyes, but to me it was the distraction. As it drove to the end of the block no one but me knew that the man inside wasn't the owner.

I stayed there for over an hour staring at the end of the block. Ever since the car engine started so did my mission. And just like the car, it was in full motion.

" Are you prepared for what's in store?" He asked placing his hand on my shoulder.

" There's no turning back." I responded taking his arm off me.

I turned around and looked at him. He was looking up at the darkening sky. Thick clouds were starting to form, but they all stayed away from the moon. Even if the sun wasn't down yet she had presented herself to us early.

" She is in your favor, Abel." His eyes remained glued to the moon.

I drifted my gaze and focused on the house behind him. I had once called that my home. Despite the beatings I received, I was fed, clothed, sheltered and even shown a bit of love. Could I really leave it behind?

I stood up from the stump and looked at him. He was taller than me by less than a head. He looked older than what he was. His black hair housed many strands of gray, but his body was young so he was young.

He kept looking up at the moon like a baby at his mother for the first time. Why was he refusing to meet my eyes? Was he ashamed or sad?

I clenched my fist, raised my arm and punched his nose. He stumbled back covering his nose. A flash of anger filled his eyes, but they softened when he looked into mine. He removed his hand and let the blood flow out.

" Did I deserve that?" He asked taking a quick look at his blood stained hand.

" I don't know." I said honestly.

Something had overwhelmed me when I realized he couldn't met my gaze, but I don't think it was anger. I think it might have been fear. Fear of everything that was coming. The fear of failing, losing my humanity, losing myself and dying. So much was at stake tonight. I was confused.

When I looked back up at him his lips turned into a warm smile. He closed his stained hand and sighed loudly. The drops of blood that had landed on the ground rose up, defying gravity, and gathered at the palm of his hand. It formed a small dark red sphere that levitated a centimeter or two.

" I was confused when I was in you shoes too. I was older than you, but the confusion and fear I felt at the time are the same as yours. If I did not look into your it is because I have faith in you."

His revelation surprised me. All this time he never showed any signs that he truly trusted me. I started to feel sad as I looked down at my knuckles still stained with his blood. I had to do this. For Jack and me.

" Are you ready?" He asked one more time

There was only one answer. If I backed out now he would turn his blood into a blade and end my life here and now. I couldn't back out.

" Yes," I responded as the sky began to weep, " I'm ready to face The Lord of the Flesh..."

The Darkness Trilogy: WarWhere stories live. Discover now