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A couple of days later, Anya and a few warriors met with Skaikru, which didn't work very well, Skaikru didn't trust Anya and Anya didn't trust Skaikru, Anya returned to Tondc injured, and for once, Y/N and Indra agreed on something, so Y/N headed to Polis to ask Lexa for permission to march on Skaikru, and returned to Tondc with plenty of men. It was going to go perfectly, wipe out Skaikru and go back to normal the following day, that didn't happen. Y/N sighed as she stood in the center of the chaos Skaikru caused, 300 men burned alive, and Skaikru was taken by the Mountain Men.

"Well, they're not our problem anymore." Indra says and Y/N raises an eyebrow.

"More Skaikru fell out of the sky last night." Y/N says and Indra shrugs. "I'm going to Polis to talk to Lexa." Y/N says and Indra nods.


"So Skaikru killed all 300 of them?" Lexa asks and Y/N nods.

"Burned alive."

"And Skaikru?"

"Taken, by the Mountain Men." Y/N says and Lexa nods.

"And those explosions last night? Have you any knowledge of what those were?" Lexa asks and Y/N nods.

"More Skaikru fell from the sky during our battle."

"Do you feel as though they are a threat to our people and the Coalition?" Lexa asks and Y/N shakes her head.

"No, Heda. I doubt that they will bother with us, if the first of the Sky People are any indication as to what they are like, they will take a while to get used to being here, instead of in the sky. For now, we let the Mountain Men deal with Skaikru, tend our survivors, keep training, and recover from what happened with Skaikru." Y/N says and Lexa nods.

"Very well, Titus, give Gustus and Quint my orders, they'll make sure our warriors continue with their training." Lexa says, looking to Titus, who nods to his Commander before leaving to find the two men Lexa spoke about.

After a week, a few deaths and disappearances had been reported, and Y/N was completely lost in her own mind as her little sister attempted to gather her attention.

"Sis." Lexa says, snapping her sister out of her daze finally.

"What? Sorry. I was thinking." Y/N responds and Lexa chuckles a little, forcing herself to only show a thin line of a smile to her sister, Titus being just over Y/N's shoulder, watching the siblings with a sour face he only wore when the Commander had her sister staying Polis with her, because the Commander would have a smaller, different throne set to the left of her own, for her sister to sit in, almost as if there were two Commanders instead of just Lexa in charge of everything. Titus didn't like the Commander's sister, and the Commander's sister didn't like Titus either. Lexa knew that if she showed her appreciation for her sister, Titus would reprimand her, and she didn't want to be bothered with a lecture from the Flamekeeper, she knew her big sister would speak up, interrupting the Commander's scribe, and the two would begin arguing, like always, forcing Lexa to send Titus off and calm down her sister, who always swore that Titus was up to no good.

"What were you thinking about?" Lexa asks after a pause, the Commander herself getting lost in her mind as she thought about her sister, her scribe, and their tense relationship.

"These disappearances and deaths that we've been told about. These didn't happen until after Skaikru got here while the first of their people were taken. Some of our men were killed, the rest were taken."

"Mountain Men." Lexa dismisses and Y/N gives her little sister a look.

"No, Heda, I think it's more than that. One of the scavengers was taken from his camp. You and I both know the Mountain Men are too scared to do something like that." Y/N says and Lexa nods.

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