Mr Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 30 (My Lies Will Be The Death Of Me)

Start from the beginning

What the hell am I going to do?

I need a job... and fast.

I ran out the front door and grabbed the news paper looking through the classifieds.

My eye caught an add about a waitressing position at a local bar and pub. I can use my fake ID and because it's only a waitress job, they probably do it under the table.

I brushed my teeth quickly and hopped into my car, driving into town.

JD's Pub and Grille was pretty busy for a Sunday and then I realized that there was a baseball game on the flat screen TVs mounted from the ceilings.

I walked to the long rectangular bar in the middle speaking to the man closest to me, "Excuse me." I say.

The bar tender was still cleaning a shot glass when he spoke, "What can I get ya?"

"Oh nothing, thank you. I'm here for the job. May I talk to the owner?" It came out more as a question then I had hoped.

The guy looked up and smiled. I'm not sure if it was because he was happy, or because he thought I was hot. The bartender- I will not lie - is very attractive. "You're lookin' at him."

He looked maybe twenty-five.

His brown hair covers the tips of his icy blue eyes and his sleeves hold snug fits around his muscular arms.

He reached out his hand, "I'm Doug. Nice to meet you."

I took his big hand in mine and shook it, "Addison." I made a small, shy, smile.

He threw his white rag over his shoulder, "You must be here for the bar tending position, yes?"

I froze.

"Um, I thought it was a waiting job..."

He smiled, "That too. If you are a quick learner with a decent schedule, you're hired."

I fiddled with my purse, how can I fake being in high school?! If I tell him I'm only in high school, he will never hire me.

"Um- well, I have school until three Monday through Friday. Then I'm free, plus I'm free for this summer."

The guy made a frown, "Sorry, I can't have high schoolers serving alcohol. Thanks for coming in though!"

I panicked.

Grabbing onto his shoulder as he turned away, I spoke like I was offended, "I'm in college not high school..."

"Oh man, I'm sorry. I didn't think you were."

I genuinely laughed, "Don't worry. I get that a lot..."

He laughed as well, "So, where do you go?"

I was caught of guard, "What?" Then I registered what he asked, "Oh! I- um, Georgia Tech!"

He slapped the mahogany counter, "No way! That's where I went! What's your major?"

Good God he needs to stop with all these pointless questions. "I'm still undecided... I'll probably pick Biology for next year though."

"That's great! I didn't major in bio but I heard they have a great program. Anyway, do you think you can learn how to make drinks quickly?"

I smiled, "I'm sure I could!"

"Great! You're hired! To make it easier on you with classes, how about I make your hours four to ten until your summer break?"

"Sounds awesome! When can I start?" I ask anxious to start my new job.

"How about next Saturday, ten AM to eight PM?"

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