authors note updated 11-5-19

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Hey guys!

From Dawn is scheduled to self publish on Amazon on 11-10-19. Most of this story will be removed from Wattpad on that day as well. The good news, From Dawn will be free with Kindle Unlimited, or for sale for just .99

This story will be available as an ebook only at this time.

As always, so much love to you all ❤️❤️❤️

Life hasn't exactly gone according to plan for 26 year old Dawn. For starters, she always thought that she would have met the man of her dreams by now. But, if he's out there, she hasn't found him.

Then there's the fact that she can't seem to find a job that doesn't involve hair nets, greasy food, or flimsy plastic bags. She's in debt up to her eyeballs and despite the promises of her college recruiter, no one is hiring. And that all adds up to her having to move back in with her mother, the woman whose favorite pastime is reminding her that her biological clock is ticking.

But, that's not even the worst detail in the sad story that is Dawn's life.

The worst part...

...Dawn is about to kick off the zombie apocalypse.

If you have always wondered just how the undead got their beginnings, this is the story for you. Follow Dawn's decent into madness in this short story about the beginning of the end.

PLEASE NOTE, this story is not related to The First 30 Days, and does not occur in the same universe.

Copyright 2017 by Lora Powell

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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