"It's a pretty enormous hatchet." Elena snapped, I made a face at her attitude towards Rebekah.

"Well I'm feeling generous with spirit." Bekah snapped back.

"New house huh?" Elena spoke up whilst looking at the poster.

"Did your brother finally kick you out?" Elena mocked her.

"He didn't kick me out. I left." Bekah harshly whispered, looking to me for help.

"Um yeah, she wanted me and Klaus to have more privacy." I coughed out, I hadn't told anyone out our plan to move to New Orleans yet, secrets and secrets that were starting to build.

I slightly cringed at my life choices recently.

"So you left the only person on earth that actually likes you." Elena ignored me and pushed on.

"Elena." I warned her, she shot me a look; 'seriously'.

"Well your boyfriend liked me once. Actually a lot more than once." Bekah defended herself and I bit my lip to hold back my smirk.

"Why are you still in town? Don't you have anywhere else to go?" Stefan asked, leaning forwards on his desk.

"History's my favourite class-actually where is Mr.Saltzman-oh that's right-I killed him." Bekah whispered harshly, leaning forwards.

I gulped down at her words, my smirk wiping straight from my painted lips.

I knew she was only meant to be hurting Elena and Stefan with her words but it hurt me too.

"Stop it." I snapped at Elena as she aimed the pencil at Bekahs face but she ignored me again and threw it at Bekah which she caught and then threw it back lodging the pencil into Elenas shoulder.

"For fucks sake." I groaned out, leaning back into my seat.

Elena pulled the pencil out as the bell sounded for class to start.

"It would be amazing if you-I don't know- started listening to me instead of ignoring me!" I snapped at Elena, she stared at me in shock, her mouth opening to speak before she thought better and snapped it shut, then got up and left, Stefan closely following her.

I instantly noticed bekah leaving close behind with a girl, her perfectly manicured nails digging into the poor girls wrist, whose name I couldn't quite remember.

I let out a loud groan before pushing myself up from my desk and quickly leaving the classroom myself.

I looked left and couldn't see anyone.

"Looking for me?" I swiftly turned my head right to see a smug Rebekah strutting back towards the classroom.

"Where's that girl you were with?" I pried, she just scoffed.

"Why? Worried I've replaced you with a new bestie?"

"Rebekah." I demanded, getting a little annoyed with her behaviour, she's in a public school for fucks sake.

"I compelled her to offer herself up to elena for a little morning snack." Bekah purred out.

As I processed her words, the smell of fresh blood slightly started to fill the air.

I sighed heavily before vamp speeding into the girls bathroom where the smell was the strongest to see Elena vamp staring at the innocent girl.

"Elena get out of here!" I spat at her as I shoved her towards the door and away from the girl, Elenas eyes returned to normal.


"Elena! Go!" I snapped again, shaking myself from my own bloodlust with the smell of fresh blood.

Elena nodded and left quickly.

Where the hell did Stefan go? He was with her?

I inhaled deeply and exhaled just the same before turning to face the girl ready to compel her to forget.

My eyes caught onto the blood slowly dripping  down her collarbone and onto her shirt-the sound of her beating pulse captivating me instantly.

I tried to swallow but my throat felt dry as fuck.

Of course it would.

Nik never re-compelled me.

I've been learning on my own but that doesn't mean I've perfected it yet.

I felt my eyes start to vamp out and I held back a sob that was starting to bubble up my throat.

This can't be happening.

"I'm so sorry." I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

I dove into her open wound on her neck.

Moaning as the familiar taste of ecstasy filled my mouth. 

I knew I needed to stop as the girl fell limp in my arms but I couldn't.

I didn't.

I chose not too.

I kept going and going and going and suddenly her head was in my hands but her body was on the floor.

The silence was deafening.

I don't know how much time past with her head held tightly between my hands but the sounds of laughter passing by the door in the hallway snapped me out of it.

I dropped her head in surprise and fell back onto the sinks behind. I did this?

I looked down to my shaking hands to see them blood covered, I quickly tried rubbing it off but it just seemed to  smudge even more.

Tears fell down my face repeatedly now as I manically tried to scrub the blood off but of course, it wasn't working.

I turned to look in the mirror and saw my face caked in that poor girls blood, my neck the same.

What do I do? What do I do? My head screamed at me over and over again.

I went for my phone but realised I had left it in the classroom with my bag.

"FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckSHIT." I whispered harshly as I turned my back to the mirror and stared down at the dismembered dead girl.

I looked around for somewhere to hide her, I noticed the small janitors closest in the corner.



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