Chapter 1

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Amber woke up to a bright light blinding her eyes. She pried one eye open, and thought to herself "No thanks."Amber weakly reached the blinds, shutting them and collapsing back into her bed.

10:39 a.m
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* I jumped at the loud, sudden sound, letting out an animalistic screech. I rolled over to stand up from my cave of a bed , but I guess that wasn't gonna happen. Instead I rolled too far and landed on my hip with a WHAM on the cold, hard floor. The door opened. "Amber! Get up, Dannica will be here in 20 minutes!! ," piped Mom. Before I could even reply she was gone. I got up and dragged myself over to the dresser. I pulled on a cute top with a lace hem and flowers, and a pair of high-waisted, faded blue skinny jeans, and slipped on some tan Toms.

I walked into the bathroom, turning on my flat iron. After the light started blinking, indicating that it was warming up, I took in my wild, just-woke-up look. I had wild thick brown hair, and deep sea green eyes. I was fairly skinny, I ate like an obese pig, you'd think I'd look like one, but I guess not. "I look so amazing , " I thought to myself sarcastically. After I picked random flyaways from my face, and smoothed them back, I brushed my teeth, splashing my face with some cool water. I brushed out my hair, put on some lip balm and mascara, then finished the look off by straightening my hair. I went back in my room, and turned on my phone, "10:55" Shite. I hated leaving poor Danny by herself with my mom, otherwise known as "THE chatty Cathy of the family. " I tucked, my phone into my back pocket, walking out of my room to prevent my best friend from a migraine.

I opened the door. My best friend, Dannica, was short at 5 2", she had tan skin and dirty blond hair. Freckles acted like constellations on her cheeks, twinkling as she grinned at me, her big blue eyes grinning too. "AMBERRRRRR!!!!!! " Screamed Dannica. " DANNNYYYYY!!! " I screamed back. She gave me a look. Dannica never liked the nickname I gave her. Says it sounded like a "gay guys name " but it's a nickname , so that doesn't matter right? She threw herself on me in a big bear hug. I hugged back of course.

We stayed that way for a good while. After a min I heard sniffling over my shoulder. I stood back and looked at her. "What's wrong? " I asked her. "I'm gonna miss you so much Amber.. " She tells me, looking at me with big blue watery eyes. I step closer to her, reaching up to wipe away her tears. "It's ok Danny,,, your going to make new friends and get the education you deserve!, I mean, your so smart, and beautiful, you deserve much more than this rinky dink old town. I'll be ok. You need to worry about YOUR future now. " I tell her, then look down at my shoes, waiting for her reply. She sniffed, "none of that matters to me, all I can think about is never again seeing my best friend, HECK, you might as well be my sister!!!, she hiccups. " She hugged me again.

I gently pulled away, walking inside to a cabinet. I opened it and grabbed a small box. "What's that? " asked Dannica. "A little gift, so you'll never forget about our friendship " I say, handing her the box. She opened it and frowned. "What? " I say, confused. " It's beautiful, and I have NOTHING to give YOU!! " she says, looking guilty. "All these years of being here for me, Is more than enough," I state simply, "now try it on!" I say. She slowly took it out of the box, admiring it's beauty. It was a golden locket, with green emeralds encrusted into the edges of it, emeralds we're her birth stone. She opened the locket. It was a photograph of the both of us in a six flags photo Booth, her arm wrapped around my shoulder. We looked so happy . That was about three years ago. "I have a matching one just like it, with my birth stone" I say. She continues to admire it's beauty. And eventually fiddles it around her neck grinning at me as it sits ever so naturally upon her chest. "I LOVE IT" she says. "It cost an arm and a leg to get them, you'd better love it, " I mumbled .

"Girls!!! I made breakfast!!!!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. One last meal with my best friend is obviously a must. Dannica and I both looked at each other, and raced for the kitchen. As we slowed our pace we could smell the Bacon and pancakes... "Heaven" I thought. We both helped ourselves and thanked my mom. Once finished eating, and talking about school, which would be starting in two weeks for me, and 4 weeks for Danny, I walked her to the door. "Wait up!, I heard mom shout. She grabbed her phone from her pocket. Typical mom. 'I'm just gonna take a pic of y'all together before you go," She said. I looked at Dannica, "you know what to do." I said. She jumped onto my back and threw out her hands, in all her peace-sign glory, will I struggled to keep her up, and grinned. Every sleep over since we we're kids we would repeat this routine. Creating one of the best picture memories two friends could ask for. "I would surely frame that one." I thought to myself as Dannica jumped from my back, and mom put her phone up. I walked her to the door, realising that she might be late for her flight. Just as we got to the door we heard Dannica's Father. "DANNICAAA!! Hurry up we're gonna be late!!, " her dad growls from the car. " I give her a knowing look. We hug one last time. "I guess this is goodbye." She says. "I guess it is. " I say quietly.

SOOOOO WHAT YOU THINNKKK!!!! How Is amber gonna LIVE with put her only bff!! First chapter, so nothing too big yet, I'll lead up to it, so please be patient. I know I know. Who wants to WAIT. Like, no. Body. Ever. But I would appreciate it more than anything if you would tell me how what you think. No hate please. Im kinda a beginner. LUV YA XOXO -rose the writer ^_^

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