Me- Wait were not allowed to see these two what happened?

Ny- Well the doctor said that he worked something out. And I guess Will just came in

Me- Oh make sense

Later on we started talking about what we've been up to but I swear everytime I spoke Will would look at me funny or roll his eyes.

Me- You really need to drop the attitude Will coz I aint the one that cheated.

Will- Whatever Kai

Me- Sorry only the realest call me Kai refer to me as Kaidence please Thank you

Will- Woah why you catching an attitude all of a sudden

Me- Shut up Willie Ive been nice since I walked in even though I should be rude because you CHEATED on me. But whatever I didnt come here for you to be rude

He sat back in his chair and didnt answer. I know he wanna cuss my ass out I can tell but he cant. Shame. I texted Jordan to come get me. He was quick. After about 10 minutes he knocked on the door.

Ny- Come in!

Jordan- Hey Ny you good?

Ny- Yeah oh yeah Jordan this Lucas my boyfriend and Will Kai's ex.

Thank God she did that coz she knew damn well I werent about to introduce nobody.

Me- Anyways come On Jordan lets go.

Jordan- Now you can show me what that mouth do

Ny- Ewww guys!!

I giggledd

Jordan- What? Didnt you know she was a soul snatcher ?

Wills stupid ass laughed. Dont give me attitude and laugh at a joke my company made.

Will- Yeaah I knew that she had a niggas legs shaking and shit

They fist bumped wtf.

Me- Lets not talk about this you trashletes lets leave

He pushed me out the door and I guess he turned around and gave Will a look

Wills POV

Well then... Kai is moving on without me? Like I know I cheated but shes the only girl Ive ever had proper feelings for. Why I cheated? I don't know. Well I do but it wasn't that serious. A moment of weakness I guess.

We were out one day and Kai ran into her old friend and they were getting real close and it pissed me off. I didnt like it and she kept telling me

"Will its not that serious hes just an old friend"

then a few days later we ran into one of my old friends... She was jealous asf and uno me Im petty I was flirting with my friend and Kai didn't like it. The start of our argument...

Then I met up with my friend... just to hurt Kai because Im petty and things happened. Kai didn't know until "an unknown source" basically Jewelz and Jayceon revealed it to her. We broke up and Ive felt bad ever since.

::If I ride for you::Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant