Coffee Shop Soundtrack

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J: "Alex?" 

I open my eyes to see Jack standing over me. His eyes were full of distress as he stared into my eyes. I never noticed how brown and golden his eyes were. I stare at his eyes until I notice that his eyebrow is crinkled.  I cough and start to get up trying to get forget that I just checked out my best friend. I struggle getting up because my legs are wobbly and weak. Jack notices and puts his hand out and helps me stand on my feet. His hands were warm against my cold palms. Why am I cold? The heater is blasting in here.

Once I stand up I noticed my boss staring at me with annoyance. 

T: "Are you done Alex?" she huffs out. 

A: "Yes, you were saying?" I say as I stand up and dust off my pants.

She sighs and puts her hands in her lap and fumbles with her wedding ring. 

A: "You and Jack need to pretend that you're in a relationship. Give the fans something to believe in. This will increase ticket sales for tours, CD sales, and you guys will be on the top of the billboards." 

(A/N: I am in no way saying that Jalex is the only reason why they made it to the top of the charts. I know that All Time Low was successful because they are talented, passionate, and full of love for their fans. This is only for the story.)

I looked at the rest of the guys searching for any disapproval or protest against this idea. 

When I didn't see any disgust or worry I nodded and told my boss let's do it.

T: "Okay, then it's settled. Alex and Jack you're now in an relationship. You'll go to brunch, baseball games, football games, kiss on stage, everything."

I look over and Jack and swallow deeply. I am just noticing how gorgeous he was. All of the edges of him. From the edges of his eyes that have started wrinkling because he smiles too much; his nose that is perfect for his face even if he thinks it's too big; his lips that form the perfect cupid bows and are the perfect shade of pink, and all of the curves his body.

He looked at me with fear and I just wanted to hold him.

Wait...This was fake. I can't fall for my best friend, I have a girlfriend. A smoking hot girlfriend at that.

I decided to start thinking and walk over and grab Jack's hand and say,

A:  "Well Jack, the fangirls are waiting."

We walked out of the office hand in hand and I couldn't help but notice that Jack had a slight blush to his cheeks.

When we got outside, Jack dropped my hand and walked away with his hands in his pockets. I looked at him longingly but just shrugged and walked to my car. 

I decided to take my time walking to my car. I was in a rush ever since I woke up this morning. While I was walking, the sky was a light gray color. It almost looked like a Richard Robinson painting. The way the gray and the white colors blended together. The sunlight begging to be released through the slits in the clouds. 

I stared at the sky while I slowly paced my way to my car in the parking garage down the street. When I got to the staircase to walk down towards my car I realized I was feeling very hungry. I remembered there was a coffee shop down the street from where I was staying that I wanted to try. I jumped into my car and drove towards it. I reached for my phone and again realized that I did not have it. I would have to deal with that too. I decided that in order to keep me entertained, I turned on the radio.  The whole drive back, the radio blasted nothing but ads back at me. Now I remember why I hated that stupid thing. 

No, I do not need another vacuum cleaner thank you, I have enough.

When I arrived at my apartment, I parked in my usual spot in the parking garage and ran up the steps to my door. I unlocked it and walked inside to see my cat sitting on her pillow staring at me with anger. I then realized I forgot to feed her before I left the house this morning. I tried to pet her and apologize but she jumped off the couch and trotted towards my room. She was definitely going to tear up my pillows. 

I filled her food bowl and gave her the purified water that she so desperately needed. Leaving a single treat in her food dish, I get ready to leave again. I go to my room, grab my phone, and escape back out to the cold Baltimore air.  

I pulled my hood over my head and put on sunglasses hoping none of my fans would notice I was there. I loved the fans but sometimes alone time is what I really need. With the news that I had learned this morning, alone time was in order. 

I followed the smell to a small coffee shop called Artifact Coffee. The outside made it look like a house and for a second I almost felt like I was in the wrong  place. I noticed on top of the door there was a sign that had an A on top of it. I smirked and decided that this place and me were just meant to be.  When I walked in I fell in love with the feeling of the place. It's decorations were rustic and reminded me of a country home way in the middle of nowhere. Almost like the grandmother's house that you're forced to visit every winter.  If I hadn't fallen in love  with Baltimore, this would be the home I would want. 

I stood at the back of the line waiting for my turn to order. The menu and the teas looking better with every passing second. There were a few people waiting in line. A young girl, her boyfriend, a mother with 5 screaming children, and a man who was grimacing at the kids. Could be the father perhaps. But, he was doing nothing to calm the children. 

I decided  to check my phone while I waited in the line, something to calm my stomach and make me forget about the rumbling. Weird, I had 5 texts. 

1: J: "Get ready, me and you are going a date tomorrow." 

Attachment: Pictures of tickets for a Baltimore Ravens/Browns Game. 

2: R: "Can you watch the dogs this week, Cass and I are  going to be out of town." (RIP Cass & Rian)

3: Z: "Hope you're okay, Z."

4: Mom: "You haven't called in weeks, call me!" 

5: T: "I hope Jack has updated you on your date, it was a pain in the ass to get those tickets. Maybe you'll appreciate me more. ;)" 

I smiled at the texts and replied to a few then scrolled through twitter answering a few fans questions. I get really into twitter with all of the fans asking  me questions when they realized that I was responding to their tweets. 

I feel someone tap my shoulder and turn around. Behind me was a girl with striking blue eyes. I open my mouth to speak and ask what she wanted then she laughs. I look at her with a arched eyebrow. 

?: "It's your turn dude." 

I turn around and notice the barista looking at me with a bored expression. I clear my throat and say sorry then put my phone in my back pocket. I order a large earl grey tea and a bowl of tomato soup. Seems fitting for a cloudy day like today. I sit at the small counter and go to reach for my phone, when I notice it's not in my back pocket anymore. I turn around and see the girl with the blue eyes run out of the door.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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