Alexander Hamilton

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          Angelica sighed, and pushed the book into its rightful spot, Eliza noticed her sister's annoyance.
          "What's wrong Angelica?g" Eliza asked, setting her book near Peggy, Angelica shook her head,
          "The don't seem to have the new book series I heard about... I wonder if it's in stock? I'll be back!" Angelica whisper-yelled, she made her way through the maze of books to the front desk, a man with a ponytail  sat there, his nose in a book. He noticed her approaching,
          "How may I help you miss?" He asked, snapping the book shut, Angelica  smiled,
          "I'm looking for the Jane Austen Series? Do you happen to have the books in stock?" Angelica asked, politely shooting the man a smile.
          "Let me go check." The man replied, Angelica looked at his nametag before he turned 'Alexander Hamilton'. "Interesting" Angelica thought, "Yo! Laurens do we have any Jane Austen Books In! Bring it here! Thank you!" Alexander yelled, he reappeared behind the desk, sliding a thick book across the desk. "This is the only one we have right now."
          "It's fine. I'll take this, thank you." Angelica replied, handing Alexander her library card, she smiled, lightly picking up the book, Alexander slid the card back.
          "Thank you for coming to the Washington Library, please vist again, have a good day." Alexander said, smiling, Angelica smiled back,
          "I will, girls come on!" She called, her sister's voices echoed okay through the quiet libray, they appeared next to her,
          "Have a nice day ladies." Alexander said, waving they returned tge gesture, and followed Angelica towards the door.
          "So, where now Angelica?" Peggy asked, grabbing Makkachin,
          "Back to the skating ring, to face our dads." She replied, nose already in ger book, the girls gulped, this should be fun.

*Sorry For Not Updating Guys, I Got Super Distracted, The Story Is Getting Close To A End, Well See Yaź*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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