Prologue part 1/3

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Allie: I was in the dance room. The instructor was putting us through our paces.

"Allie, do 10 chaine turns, then back-flip back," Mrs. Downy commanded.

"Yes Mrs. Downy!" I exclaimed as I began the routine. I was about to start the back-flips when the power went out. Everyone screamed, but I kept calm.

"Everyone follow me!" Mrs. Downy proclaimed. Everyone filed behind her in a line. Mrs. Downy walked us out of the building. We stood outside for a few minutes before a few of the football players approached us, slowly.

"Boys, get back to class, NOW!" Mrs. Downy commanded. Suddenly, they all broke into a dead sprint at us. I back-flipped all the way to the door, and righted my self just in time to see them eat my class. Stifling my cries, I ran inside to the cafeteria, where I flipped into the kitchen and grabbed food to stuff in every pocket. Then, the power came back on, I had to throw my shoes at an angry cafeteria lady, and I obeyed an announcement calling the living to the 400 hall.

Rose: I was in the library, looking for the next part of my anime, when the librarian let out a piercing scream. I yelled "Hey, lady, can you please be quiet?" but got no response. I found my book, and walked over to the checkout lines. I stepped up to the counter, and the lights went out. Stepping around the counter, I called out, "alright Mrs. Moony, you got me. Turn the lights back on!" The door to her office was ajar.I stepped up to it, and heard a sickening crunching sound, Then, everything was silent. I heard two pairs of feet walking toward me, so I jumped over the counter. Mrs. Moony came out, but there was a huge gaping hole in her head! I screamed, threw my book at her, and ran behind a bookshelf. As she chased me, I randomly grabbed books off the shelf and threw them at her. I reached the end of the isle, turned around and shoved the bookshelf onto her and her friend's faces. Then, the lights came on, and I heard an announcement about a saferoom in the 400 hall. I ran, only stopping to grab my book and the keys off Mrs. Moony's corpse.

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