10: Malfoy versus Potter

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~ Hermione's P.O.V ~

A week has passed since I worked on my DADA essay with Ginny, Harry, and Ron. Today is Saturday and today is also the first Quidditch match of the season. The game is Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Since Ginny, Harry, and Ron are on the House team I'm attending the match. I usually go to every Gryffindor game anyways to cheer on my friends and peers. A

Harry is Quidditch Team Captain for the Gryffindor house team and plays seeker. Ginny plays chaser and Ron is keeper. Draco is Quidditch Team Captain and plays seeker. Blaise plays chaser, just like Ginny.

"C'mon 'Mione we're going to be late!"August says, sounding anxious to leave Gryffindor tower.

I had slept in the dormitory with Ginny and Pavarti last night. Lavender died in the war and the other girls didn't return this year so it's just the two of them in the dormitory. Which must be lonely but at least it's quiet.

I pull on my jacket and grey beenie before leaving the girls dormitory. Everyone is probably down at the Quidditch pitch already.

"Let's go" I say to my little sister.

She nods and we leave Gryffindor tower together. We quickly leave the castle and make our way to the Quidditch pitch. It seems the whole school has turned out for this match. The whole school usually does for the first match of the year, even more so when its Gryffindor versus Slytherin.

We go to the designated area for Gryffindor house in the stands. I see Dean, Neville, and Seamus so I walk up to them.

"Hey Hermione" Neville says with a soft smile.

"Hello Neville" I say.

"Who's that?" Dean asks, looking at August.

"I'm August Zabini, nice to meet you" August says, sticking her hand out for a hand shake.

"The name's Dean Thomas and it's nice to meet you as well" Dean says, shaking August's hand.

"August go find your friends" I said.

August nods and walks away from Dean, Nevile, Seamus, and I. Time for them to ask questions, great.

"Why were you with Zabini's kid sister?" Seamus asks me.

"As one of my duties as Head Girl it's to show First Years where classes and other things are. August needed help getting here so I helped" I lied.

"Alright, just wonderin' that's all" Seamus says with a friendly grin.

The teams fly out into the Quidditch pitch. I make eye contact with Draco and give him a thumbs up. He smiles at me in response. Madam Hooch releases the Golden Snitch, the Bludger, and the Quaffle. Meaning the game has begun.

"Weasley is chasing the Bludger and sends it in for ten points to Gryffindor! 10 to 0!" Luna says, she's doing the commentary for this season's Quidditch games.

Alongside Gryffindor house and everyone else besides the Slytherin's, I clap for Ginny.

I look around the pitch to see both Harry and Draco chasing something. They both found the Golden Snitch already.

"Potter and Malfoy are currently chasing the Golden Snitch! Weasley deflects an admirable Bludger hit from Zabini, keeping Gryffindor in the lead" Luna commentates.

I see that Blaise and Theodore Nott are hitting the Bludger towards the goal posts and Ron. Blaise and Nott hit it back and forth for a minute before Nott hurls it towards the goal post, effectively getting the first points for Slytherin.

"Nott gets the first points for Slytherin! The teams are tied 10 - 10" Luna says.

I look back to Draco and Harry. Both of them are still chasing the Golden Snitch. They zoom across the pitch, occasionally bumping into one and other. But, somehow, Draco gets ahead of Harry and starts to reach out to grab the Golden Snitch.

He zooms forward a little and closes his fist around something. He raises his closed fist into the air and zooms around the Quidditch Pitch in triumph. Slytherin won the match.

"Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!" Luna exclaims.

Loud cheering erupts from the Slytherin's while all of the Gryffindor's, except for me and probably August, groan loudly.

The students start clearing out since the match is over. I leave the stands and walk over to the area where the players enter and exit from. I need to congratulate my brother and Draco.

The Gryffindor team leaves the Quidditch pitch first. All of them are sulking especially Ginny, Harry, and Ron. This is their last season on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and they started the season with a loss. The rest of the team leave while Ginny, Harry, and Ron hang back with me.

"Oh hey Hermione. What're you doing here?" Ginny asks.

"Waiting for Blaise and Draco" I answer honestly.

"Oh are you?" Ginny says, waggling her eyebrows at me.

Maybe I shouldn't have told her about my crush on Draco.

"Yes, I am Gin" I say, scowling at her.

Before the three of them could say anything else, the Slytherin team exit the Quidditch pitch with triumphant expressions on their faces. Blaise and Draco hang back while their teammates walk back up to the castle. They both look a little shocked to see that Ginny, Harry, Ron and I were waiting for them. Especially after the Slytherin team won against the Gryffindor team.

"Hey Hermione, Potter, Weasley, Weasley" Blaise says, acknowledging everyone.

"Zabini" Ron says curtly.

"So Hermione, what are you doing here" Draco asks with a smirk on his face.

"I was waiting to congratulate you and Blaise on your win" I say, smiling up at him.

"Thanks sis but we should all go to the castle for some lunch, because I bet all us Quidditch players are starving" Blaise says, pointing out that I'm the only one here who doesn't play Quidditch.

"Yeah yeah, let's go" I say, rolling my eyes at my older brother.

We all start walking back to the castle. Anyone who were to see us all together would probably freak out. Because who would've thought that Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy would be friendly with Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and Ron Weasley.

Hermione..Zabini?? [DraMione] {Wattys 2017} UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now