Dear Moms

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I watch Naomi talking to my mom's from the window. Trying to build up the courage.

I walk downstairs, noticing my mom in the kitchen. "Hey Mom, can I talk to you" she looks outside noticing mum's with Naomi.

Mom:Sure Hunny. What's up?
"What did you think about age differences in a relationship?"
Mom: Well.. It doesn't bother me to much unless there like 30+ because you're still young.

"So 25 is ok?"
Mom: 25 is ok yeah..why?
"Because...I've fell in love with someone"
She looks at me. Mom: Well don't leave me hanging, who is it. When am I gonna meet them?

"You already have"
She begins looking puzzled.
Mom: I haven't seen you with a guy
I try to get my words ready.
"Mom..I'm bi"

She looks at me all happy, giving me a hug.
Mom: I'm so proud of you coming out.. Now tell me who. I want to know!!
She says jumping around.

I look at Naomi in the corner of my eye,my mom realises.
Mom: Naomi?
She goes outside giving Naomi a hug, my mum is puzzled. Until my mom tells her. My mum runs in, hugging me.

Mum: Aw sweetie!
She lets go.
Mom:Best not hurt her!
She jokingly laughs to Naomi.
Naomi: Never

"Ok, next question.... Can I go on holiday with Naomi"
My parents both look at each other.
Mom: There would have to be a few rules and stuff ok.. Which we will explain later. 
Mom: Naomi would you like to stay for dinner?

Naomi:Sure, that would be nice.

I head to my room with Naomi. "I feel like a 5 year old" Naomi: Why's that?
"Because I live with my family and I'm taking you to my room"

Naomi: That doesn't mean your 5.
"I feel like it" I open my door, closing it behind her. She looks around my room while I sit on my bed, looking out the window.

She comes closer to me, leaning her arms beside me. Moving her face closer to mine.

I rest my hand on her face, stroking her cheek. I kiss her whilst getting up. Swapping sides, I push her on my bed.

"I got you again"
Naomi: Do it again, I dare you
"I have, it's too late now though"
She grabs my hoodie, pulling me on to her. We both laugh as she moves my hair away from my eyes.

I place both of my hands on the side of her neck. Her arms around me. I've never felt so safe. Her hand moves up, moving my head closer to hers. We kiss again.

Knock knock

Mom: Dinners ready
She opens the door as I quickly move of Naomi.
"Ok" I go towards the door, heading for the dining room.
Naomi holding my waist, following.

We all sit around the table, eating the food.
Mom: So the rules
Naomi listening carefully whilst I stuff my face with food.
Mom: Carter stop eating for a sec
I look up with my cheeks expanded.

Naomi chuckles.
Mom: So. We don't know if you've 'done' anything but because your on holiday doesn't mean you can, I trust you Naomi. But Carter gets a head of herself sometimes"
"What are you trying to say?"

Mom: I meant in general.. But because you acct like that in general I just assumed that you--
"Ok next rule"
Mum: Alright. You gotta call us every night
Mom: Fine.. once every two days at least

I Can't Love YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora