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"I don't want to leave, I wanna stay with you forever.."
Naomi looks at me whilst stroking my arm. Naomi: I wish you could too.. Maybe if it goes well with your mom's.. We would have more days together"

I sit up, putting my sport pants on. I go to put my top on and then Naomi hugs me from behind.
"Babe.. really"
Naomi: I hate it when you leave
"Me too"
I put my top on, I stand up noticing through the gap of the curtain someone going to the front door.

"Someone's at the front door by the way"
I watch as Naomi gets up, putting her dressing gown on.
Naomi: I'll be back one sec, don't move

Trying to not make it obvious I try to eavesdrop on the conversation. The conversation starts to sound more like a argument. Trying to get closer, I stub my toe on the door making a loudish noise.

I hear the persons tone becoming slightly angrier. In to which I hear the door slam. I lean on the wall, waiting for Naomi.
Naomi: I told you to stay there!
"I didn't mean to I stubbed my toe"

Naomi: Oh so you were trying to listen to the conversation? Just cause we are in a relationship, doesn't mean you have to know everything"
"What the fuck. I never said that, I heard shouting so I got concerned"
Naomi: Like I've said. Worry about yourself, not other people

"I get it. Your pissed off. But don't take it out on me. I'm just trying to help, like what you did yesterday. But if your gonna be completely oblivious. Then fine so be it. I'm done with people, you can cancel that ticket. I'm not going" I head out the room

Naomi: Carter wait!
Ignoring her I walk out the door, heading home.
I took a different route so Naomi couldn't find me. But when I'm about to turn the corner I see her Car outside my house. I sneak past, heading to the back garden, which I climb the gate.

Not knowing that Naomi and my mom's are there I stumble on the floor.
Mom: urhm hunny..there is a thing called a door you know
"Yeah I know. I just didn't wanna draw to much attention."
Mom: Meaning?
"Doesn't matter" I look at Naomi, then walk inside

Mum: Hey hold your horses! We have a guest
"I see that but I'm tired so...
Mum:your always tired
"Can I at least put this stuff in my room?"
Mom: I suppose so

I head to my room, closing my door. Face planting my bed.

Knock knock

"Leave me alone"
I hear the door open.
Naomi: Hey I'm really sorry
"Go away"
Naomi: Can you just let me explain?  It was my ex... I was telling her to go away. That I found someone.. Someone who was special. Then she got angry because of what I said and that she gathered that your were upstairs

"That doesn't explain you being pissed off with me"
Naomi: No it doesn't. She made me in a bad mood. That's why I broke up with her.
She hands me back the ticket.
Naomi: I'm sorry..I love you a lot"
I sit up giving it her back.

"If I have it I'll lose it.. Can you keep it for me?"
Naomi: Of course I can
She smiles, kissing my forehead.

I Can't Love YouΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα