Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Hmm... better be careful there. My husband will be back any minute and he's kind of a badass," I couldn't resist saying as I settled back into the warmth of the arms holding me.

"He is huh?" Brantley said laughing." I think I could take him."

I turned in his arms and raised up to kiss him quickly on the lips. He looked over at the dress hanging and pointed.

"That the one you two decided on," he asked. I nodded and he grinned before kissing my cheek.

"You'll look beautiful as always," he said.

"Thanks babe," I said threading my fingers with his. "You ready to get out of here."

"Yea. Luke text me earlier to head that way when we got done," he said as we made our way down the hall. Kerri saw us and fell in step with us. She looked over at me as she pushed a curly lock of brown hair out of her eyes.

"Ok, I had to beg and borrow a few favors but, I was able to take a little heat off you two on doing interviews tomorrow. You owe Luke and Cole both because I increased their load," she said giving me a look. I sighed and nodded.

"I'll be sure to thank them both profusely," I said as Brantley tucked me under his arm as we walked out the door to the parking lot. "Thank you, Kerri."

She nodded and gave me quick hug before hurrying off.

Brantley opened my door for me as we made it to my Jeep.

"Need anything from the bus baby before we head to Luke's?" he asked before he shut my door.

"Yea, can you grab my North Face jacket from the closet. I know I'll get cold later around the fire," I said smiling at him. He nodded and shut my door before climbing on the bus. He came back a minute later with my jacket in hand and climbed in.

A little while later after navigating through rush hour traffic, we pulled up to the gate at Luke and Caroline's driveway. I leaned across Brantley after he rolled the window down and typed in the code.

After making our way up the long gravel driveway, Brantley parked behind Luke and Jason's trucks. He came around and opened my door. He leaned down and kissed me sweetly on the lips then grinned and did it again. I jerked when he jumped back and yelled.

"What the hell was that?" he said as he rubbed the back of his head.

He turned his head to look behind him and I saw the bright yellow spot on the back of his black beanie. I heard a distant giggle before he jumped again grabbing his left butt check and then holding his hand up with blue all over it. I pushed him out of the way and climbed out.

I put my hands on my hips and looked around until I spotted what I was looking for in the big oak tree near the drive way. A perfect sniper's nest. I pointed my finger in that direction and shook it before raising my voice.

"Thomas Boyer! Tatum Christopher get your butts down here right now!" I yelled. A minute later two miniature versions of Luke came shuffling their feet towards me. They were decked out in head to toe camo, complete with face paint, and carrying paintball guns. I rolled my eyes because I knew exactly who put them up to this. They stopped in front of me and gave me a smile that they thought could get them out of anything.

"Hey Aunt Lexi, Uncle B," they both chorused. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. I deepened my scowl.

"Want to explain this you two?" I asked. Brantley stood beside me with his arms crossed trying to keep a straight face.

"Well......" Bo drug out smiling up at me. "I told Uncle B that if he ever made you cry, I'd have to shoot him. Mama thought it would be funny."

Tate nodded his head enthusiastically at me.

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