Grocery Shopping!

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Once you were both done with your breakfast, you and G went grocerey shopping. His fridge wasnt all that full, so you decided to get more food. And plus, there are more people in the house to feed, now that your there.

G didnt own a car, not that he couldnt afford one, he just preferred walking more than driving. Which left you walking aswell. Lets just say... you arent really that athletic.

You were both in the ice cream isle. You were really sweaty from the walk in the blazing sun, so being in this isle was bliss to you. You opened one of the doors to get your favorite flavor of ice cream, and was hit with a massive wave of cool air. You sighed in relief. You grabbed one of the tubs of ice cream, and put it against your neck. G looked at you, one eyebrow raised. "What are you doing, dove?" He asked. You looked at him in disbelief. "I dont think you relize how hot i am right now." You say, matter-of-factly. He chuckled. "Well sweetheart, youre gonna have to put that in the cart. People gonna look at us weird." He said. You scoffed. "Let em' look!" He once again, looked at you in a confused manner, and smirked. "You really are confident, huh?" He asked. "Not at all." You said jokingly. He snickered. "All right love, we gotta ring these up." "Okay."

You started putting thing on the conveir belt, while the cashier rung up all your belongings. You were going at a high speed, and the cashier seemed to struggle to catch up to your speed. You smirked and went faster, leaving the cashier a sweaty mess. After a while you saw that the things you picked out were begining to run run out, so you picked up the pace. The rather cute cashier was moving left and right and an unimaginable rate. After a while, the cart was empty, so you walked over. You snickered and walked up to the cashier. "I win! Good game though, huh?" You said with a raised hand. The cashier looked extremely confused, but took your hand anyway, and shook it. When your handshake was over, you look at the cashiers name tag. It read 'Tobias'. You smiled. "Nice to meet you Tobias! Im {Y/n}!" You quickly took a look at Tobias, so the next time you saw him, you could recognize him. He had dark brown hair, with hazel eyes. He had slightly tan skin, with nose and ear piercings. "Um...hello?" He said, still puzzled at the situation. "Y'know, you seem like a cool dude, we should hang out sometime! Im new to the area, so i could use a guide. Heres my number." You grabbed a small piece of paper out of your bag with your phone number on it, and handed it to Tobias. "Call me anytime you wanna chill with a cool dude." You grabbed your bags, and put them in the shopping cart, and started walking out of the store. "Have a nice day!" You exclaimed. You waved to Tobias, and he waved back too, staring at you, still confused about what just happened. Of course someone would be confused after the stunt you pulled!

You walked out of the store and G just stared at you. Intently. It creeped you out, so you called him out on it. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked. G stepped out of his 'entranced' state, and smiled. "Oh well, you kinda just gave your number to a complete stranger. So im kinda questioning your sanity." He said, sarcastically. You huffed. "Well, you let a person you've only known for 2 days become your roommate. So, me and you, are on the same page." You said slightly irritated. G was such a hypocrite sometimes. He looked at you wide eyed, and just looked the other way, speechless.

After a 30 minute walk home, you collasped on the couch and groaned. "Ughhhh, it so hot! Why is it so hot?!" You yelled into the couch coushions. It was slightly muffled, so G couldnt hear your yells of agony. "What was that sunshine?" He asked. You got up from your spot on the couch, and looked at G. "Do you have an air conditioner? Please tell me you do!" You asked despretly. He  chuckled, and walked over to a little keypad on the wall. He pressed a button, and all of a sudden, it became so. cool. In the house. You moaned in pleasure.
{Not that kinda pleasure ya sinners!}
G walked over to the kitchen, and started making dinner. All of a sudden, your phone started vibrating.


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