"Really? You mean that?" I asked with a smile. He nodded.

"Maybe, one day, we'll even get married and have cute little kids." He chuckled.

"Woah, Jack. Slow down. I'm not ready to pop babies out of my vagina just yet." I giggled and he laughed with me.

"But would it be such a bad idea? We would have a few little Jacks and Toris running around." He asked. I laughed at him, shaking my head.

"We can have this conversation later, ok? Right now, I need a shower." I said.

"Yea, you're all sticky." Jack laughed.

"It's your fault." I whined and pushed him lightly. I got up to take a shower and Jack followed closely behind.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his chest, kissing me. He lifted me and sat me on the sink. Then, he went to turn the shower on. After turning it on, he lifted me again and placed me in the shower and got in, too.

"Who said I wanted to shower with you?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't have to ask. I know you want to." He told me. I rolled my eyes, but that didn't mean I disagree with what he said. He was right.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and planted soft kisses onto my neck. I threw my head back, giving him more access to my neck. One of his hands went in between my legs, rubbing them slowly.

"Jack." I moaned. He pushed me up against the wall so that my back was turned to him, just like when we first met.

"Remember this?" He asked. I nodded and he kissed me. He entered me slowly, and thrusted. He held my ass to get better access.

"Oh fuck." I grunted, shivering against the cold tile of the shower. He grabbed my hair, pulling a little, making me moan. "Oh Jack." I gasped as my ass clapped against his pelvis.

He used one hand to grab one of my boobs.

"Oh god, I'm coming!" I moaned again.

"Get the fuck out of the bathroom!! We're partying bitches!!!" Hayes banged loudly on the door, causing me to scream. I took a deep breath and Jack chuckled, pulling out of me.

"What's so funny?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You. You're so dramatic." He continued to laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I huffed and showered quickly, and so did Jack.

We got out and I slipped on a bra and panties and Jack threw me one of his shirts.

I took it and slipped it on, too. I wore my fuzzy socks and went downstairs, Jack following closely behind. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. We got downstairs and there were all the guys Stassie, and Kylie.

"I invited one more person if you don't mind." Jack told me and I nodded slowly.

"Ok, who?" I asked, but he ignored me and walked away. Asshole.

"Stass and Kylie." I smiled at them.

"Tori!" They squealed and ran over to me, hugging me. I hugged back and they both kissed my cheek.

"We missed you." Stassie told me.

"I know, I missed you guys, too." I told them.

"Ok, get off my girlfriend." Sammy joked and pulled me away from Stassie and Kylie.

"Technically, only one of them is. Kylie's my wife." I said, as Kylie hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Love you, wifey." She said, making me smile. Then we pulled away. Sammy rolled his eyes, giving me a side hug and kissing my head. I think he's warming up to me.

"Momma." Hayes and JJ chorused and rushed over to me, hugging me.

"Hey, babes." I greeted them. We all haven't seen each other in like a month. Cam, Skate, and Nash hugged me too.

The doorbell rang and I went to go open it. A girl with brown hair and hazel eyes appeared in the door way. She gave me the dirtiest look ever. Well then.

"Umm, who the fuck are you?" She asked me. My face fell into a full on glare. Who the fuck does she think she's talking to??

"I should be asking you the same thing." I told her, crossing my arms over my chest and shifting my weight to one leg.

"Is Jack here?" She asked.

"Why do you care?" I sassed.

"He invited me over." She answered and asked me. "Who are you answering his door anyways?" She questioned.

"His girlfriend." I scoffed. I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

"Babe, is everything ok?" I heard Jack ask me and kiss my head.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked, glaring at the girl. She plastered a fake smile onto her face. That bitch.

"Uh. That's the person I told you I invited." He answered scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, of course." I gave a fake smile. "Just don't start trouble where there isn't any, and you'll walk out alive." I threatened and walked away.

"I'm so sorry about her. She's kinda sensitive." I heard Jack tell her. Fucking asshole. I entered the living room and sat next to Nate, fuming.

"What's wrong, mama?" He asked, turning to me. Before I could say anything, Jack and that bitch walked in, laughing like idiots.

"Hey guys! Missed me?" She greeted too excitedly. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I heard Kylie and Stassie groan. I'm guessing they don't like her.

"Why the fuck did you invite her, dumbass?" Sammy groaned and rolled his eyes.

"No one fucking likes her, man." Hayes added. Oh god, this is gonna be a long ass night.

Victoria's Secret- j.g. & c.t. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now