Chapter 14

978 49 0

Ayo pov

Tour got canceled so we were going back home

I heard someone throwing up. Better not be Teo i aint taking care if him


We all came in running

Kia: omg Khii!

Me: Morris!

Morris: wht kid

Me: am not a kid am 20. Khii is throwing up

Khii: *throws up* i dont feel good *throws up*

Morris: ayee we'll have to go to the hospital rn

He pulls up

Morris: Khii u ok?

Khii is done throwing up. Morris feels his forehead

Morris: kid ur burning

Teo: *feels Khii forehead* dam he have a fever

Morris: lay down

All of a sudden Khii faints

Kia: KHII! Khii! Plz wake up!

Morris drives to the hospital

Kia pov

I thought i was gon die. I was crying

Teo: dont worry we're on our way to the hospital

Me: thanks baby

He hugs me

-----------at the hospital-----------

The doctor attends us right away

-----45 minutes later-----

The doctor comes

Doc: Khii Johnson?

Me: am his sister

Doc: ur brother has Anxiety

Teo: but he's only 12! Wth he gon worry about he only a kid!!

Doc: has he worried abt something? Like school? The way he looks? Or his grades at school?

Me: Actually yes he has worried abt something to much. He worries tht we might get discovered tht we're the *whispers* Les Twins siblings


Us: shh

Doc: sorry *whispers* ur the les twins siblings?

Me: yea. He has worried tht someone might kno at his school. & also he has worried abt his feelings w a girl

Doc: ok tht might have cause it. He will have to stay here for a week

Me: ok thanks doc

Jden: wdym when u said "he has worried abt feelings w a girl?"

Me: he told me he likes a girl & hes worried tht she might not like her

Jden: oh. Did he tell which girl?

Me: only thing i cam tell us is tht she has curly hair, she dances, they go to school together & has two big brothers.

Jden: I wonder who tht is *laughs*

Sorry for the short chapter

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