Chapter 1

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Kiara pov
Well we were  @ Atlanta finally! So we get our stuff out of the moving truck & the house is big ash it had so many rooms all the rooms were big ash.
~few hours later~
Well few hours passed & i organized my room. I changed into something comfy

The door bell ringed & i was the only one who was done unpacking so i went to check who was @ the door

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The door bell ringed & i was the only one who was done unpacking so i went to check who was @ the door

& it was this afro boy w curly hair he was so cute he came w a lil girl w curly hair. He looked @ me up & down & then my brother khii came to the door

Afro: Hey i saw the moving truck earlier & my lil sister & i wanted to say hi

Me: oh hi

While i was talking to the afro boy khii & the girl were talking

Khii pov
Me: Hi i've seen u over the internet ur rollie princess right?

Girl: Yea & I've seen u too over the internet ur khii right? My name is Jden

Me: yea am Khii & cute name

*she blushes*

Jden: thanks Khii

Kiara pov

Me: my name is Kiara but u can call me Kia

Jden: ur pretty

Me: thanks ur adorable. Ur rollie princess right? I've seen u over the internet. & u must be Mateo right? Her brother & u have another brother Ayleo right?

Jden: yea thts us

Me: well nice to meet yall

Mateo: u too & i like ur name Kia... so wanna hang sometime?
Me: sure can i have ur number?

Mateo: yea

*he gives me his number & i give him my number*

Mateo: well we gtg it was nice meeting yall bye

Me: bye

Khii: Jden is soo cute!

Me: Mateo is soo cute! *sighs* well come on lil bro tmw is our first day of school les get some sleep

Khii: ok Kia

Keandre: who was at the door?

Me: neighbors. Gn bro

The girl next doorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora