
Shannon sat straight up in bed. He was covered in sweat. Before he was even fully awake he was dressed and heading for Jared's cabin. Shannon's inner demon was begging to be let out.
As he went by Tomo's cabin he yelled at the top of his lungs. "Tomo get the fuck out here now!"
Oh shit! Tomo was still awake when he heard Shannon. He had never heard that amount of anger in Shannon's voice before. He ran outside just in time to see him going into Jared's cabin.

"Jared wake up." Jessie shook him. "I just heard Shannon yell for Tomo. I've never heard him this angry. Wake up."
"What time is it?" He asked sleepily.
"2 am. Shannon...." The front door bounced off the wall it was opened so hard.
"Jared wake the fuck up and get down here!"
"What happened Shannon?" Jessie asked calmly hoping that would help to calm him down.
Tomo came in quietly closing the front door.
"What's going on?" Jared asked. He hadn't seen Shannon look so crazed. "Whatever it is we'll help you." He put his hands on Shannon's shoulders.
Shannon took a deep calming breath trying to get himself under control enough to tell them what he had just witnessed. Everyone waited not putting any pressure on him. This was beyond any level of crazy Jared had seen in Shannon. He hadn't even said anything yet but his body language and his eyes just screamed 'tear you apart with my bare hand's murderous rage'.
"I was asleep." He started shaking. "When I was pulled into Haley's, what I thought was a dream at first. Except it was different. I was watching what was going on through her eyes. I could hear her thoughts." He bowed his head and dropped to the floor. He started to cry. "I couldn't do anything, Jared. I couldn't stop it."
Jared got on the floor with him and wrapped his arms around him.
"What couldn't you stop Shan?"
"They were hurting her, cruelly hurting her, Jared." Shannon looked at him. "I couldn't help her. I couldn't even talk to her. She couldn't hear me. They were holding her down and putting their hands everywhere hurting her. They raped her. Jared, I let her down again. I couldn't stop any of it." The tears were running down his face and he was shaking uncontrollably.
"Did she say anything or did you see anything that would tell us where she is?"
"She was thinking about us on the island. Then about how she thinks I've moved on and that I"m seeing someone else." Everyone saw the rage come back into his eyes."The last thing before it went black and I woke up was she said 'I love you, Shannon'." He had a controlled scary rage. His tears had stopped and so had the shaking. "We have to find her now. She is giving up. If you can't or won't help me. I will do it on my own. But I'm not sitting here waiting anymore, Jared."
Jared looked up to find Tomo but he was already closing the door heading to the headquarters building. He knew what had to be done.
"I've got something in the works Shannon. Tomo just went to give orders to bump up the schedule of attacks. We'll find her. I promise." He held onto Shannon in a hug trying to give him comfort but he knew it wasn't enough. It wouldn't be enough until Haley was the one holding him.


"Ok listen up!" Tomo said as he walked in. "We don't care what you have to do anymore to get information. We have to find Haley now. She's in imminent danger. Put out the word to all levels to find her and report back to us."
"Yes, Sir." They all said in unison.
"And send orders to recon all bases today. I want all the information on these bases by noon today. Tell them orders to attack will come by six pm this evening. The war is on. Dr. Teal has gone to far this time."


Haley woke up to being dragged down a dark hallway by her feet. She was still nude and she hurt all over. She looked around trying to get her bearings. Then she realized who was dragging her. She tried to pull away from the guard.
"Oh look who's awake. Ready to have more fun with us?" He laughed. "You think what we did to you back in your cell was fun wait till you see our playroom."
Haley really started to fight. They hadn't secured her in any way for some reason. She kicked, punched, scratched and tried to bite them.
"Oh, what fun fighting with you for a minute but I'm done." he grabbed her pulling her hands behind her back and handcuffing her. Then picked her up and put her over his shoulder. "We should be there in a few minutes bitch. While we walk I'll tell you what I have planned for you. I like to torture women. Make them hurt. My buddy here he just wants a slave to pleasure him although he does like to watch me work. So you see you'll be busy all the time."
They got to the room if you want to call it that. She was pretty sure it was a cave. They had put carpets on the floor and walls. There were all kinds of restraints, whips, clamps, tables with restraints and chairs also.
"You like?" The other guard said. He had a sickly perverted smile on his face.
"You're a sick piece of shit!"
"Oh, you're a bad girl. Keep that up and I'll have to teach you a lesson." He drug her over to where a chain hung from the top of the cave. He connected the handcuffs to it and pulled the chain on the pulley until she could barely stand on her toes. "There now, let's get you cleaned up."
He pulled out a garden hose and scrub brush. The hose was connected to a large tank. He sprayed her with the water. It was freezing. Then he put soap on the brush and scrubbed until her skin burned. Then rinsed her off.
"Now I'll get my toys. It's playtime." He did whatever he could to make her show she was in pain. He used all sorts of things on her and when she didn't react the way he wanted he would whip her or punch her. Finally, after a while, he got tired of that and tied her to the bed and they both raped her again. Then just left her there.
She just cried and cried until she didn't have any tears left. This was where she was going to die. That animal was going to kill her and she was helpless to stop him.


Davenport went to Haley's cell. He was ready to start playing the good guy role with her. He had an idea of how to win her trust. He opened the door and went in. No one was there. He looked around. There was dried blood on the table. Looking around more, he found her torn clothes and undergarments under the bed.
He went straight to Dr. Teal. He knew he was in his rooms. He said he wasn't feeling well and was going to rest for the day. He knocked on the door loudly.
"Come in."
"Dr. Teal I was just in Haley's cell. What happened to her?"
Dr. Teal came into view. Davenport's stomach dropped when he saw his face. His nose was swollen and both his eyes were black. Shit! What did they do to each other?
"What happened to you, Sir?"
"I pushed her too far I guess. She finally spoke." He laughed. "Told me to shut the fuck up, threatened to kill me then punched me in the nose. Who knew she had that much spunk?"
"I did. I told you she held us off for a while and killed a good chunk of my men when we took her off the island." He gave him some attitude.
"Watch it Davenport! Your not my equal yet."
"What did you do to her?"
"I'm letting Sam play with her for a while. She should be ready to tell us whatever we want to know by the time I take her back." He laughed evilly.
"My God Teal! Do you realize how sick that fucker is? He will kill her. He's sick in the head. He just wants to see women hurt and begging for mercy." Was Teal really this crazy or dumb to let this maniac have her?
"Well good. Maybe she'll learn some respect."
"She won't learn anything. She's too strong. She's going to retreat deep inside herself. Who knows if she will ever come back out." He paced the length of the room. "Ok, this could still work if we hurry. Where did he take her? If I'm the one who saves her she should trust me or at least give me something to build on. I just have to get to her before it's too late."
"I don't know where she is. He was supposed to keep her in the cell."
"Shit we have to find out where she is. He's not going to want to give her back. He's going to rape and torture her to death." Davenport had to find her. She was the leverage they needed with the Leto's. And she was very important to the A2 somehow. The higher ups just hadn't trusted him with that information yet.

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