Graduated And Free

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•—• Sonja's POV •—•
College is over.
I'm free.
I'm happy.
Away from the horse life and living in the country side.
Now I'm in the big city with my boy friend I've been with for a little over 8 years now. We are both 22 years old.
And we moved in together when we turned 18.

I love him.
And I'm ready, for whatever comes next.

•—• Chris' POV •—•
I love her, I really do.
But I'm scared, for whatever my heart is telling me to do.
But I'll do it.

•—• Narrators POV •—•
The sky was a bright yet mellow shade of blue.
It was vibrant and relaxing.
The clouds were white, and littering the sky.
But they soon moved, as the time passed, the sun moved out of the way.
For which the moon was taking the spotlight.
The big show till dawn comes.
Chris had ready bought a wedding ring, but it was hiding in his under wear drawer.
He wasn't ready.

•—• Sonja's POV •—•
I walked to our bedroom, and Chris wasn't there.
I was a little worried for he never told me where he was going.
The rest of the one story house was completely empty, and there would be no reason to go outside this late at night.
I called out his name.
No response.
I went outside and called out his name again.
No response.
I didn't want to go to sleep knowing he's gone.
I was very worried at this point.
The house, silent, and the dark started to gloom in through all he windows.
I closed the curtains and went to get in bed.
As I went under the covers, I heard scratching on the window outside.
I ignored it and dozed off into a deep sleep.
At this point I thought to myself, "Chris can take care of himself."

The Future Was Caused By The Past जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें