Hunk x Reader

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art credit: catnippackets-tumblr

(Y/N) was pacing in the command center with Allura and Coran as he listened to them give commands and tip to help defeat the robeast. He usually did this during any mission considering that he was now extremely paranoid over his boyfriends wellbeing, he was biting his nails and was constantly running his hands through his hair.
Allura sighed and glanced at (Y/N), she whispered to Coran, "What should we do about...." she nodded her head in (Y/N)'s direction. Coran shrugged, "Have him sit down? I'm not sure princess," he said turning back to his control board and making sure the ship was still in tact.
Allura turned to (Y/N), "Would you like to join me up here so you can talk to Hunk?" She asked politely and (Y/N) snapped his head up immediately. She saw him quickly dash over here and he watched as she kept up her work to help the paladins and assist them. He heard the conversations going about them, mostly on what to do but personal opinion found their way in as well, when (Y/N) heard Hunk's voice he calmed down a little more each time, he saw Allura do some stuff on the screens in front of her and then she passed him a handheld one and shooed him away.
He took a look at the screen and saw a few simple buttons and he pressed the one with Altean lettering in green and then a screen popped up and it was Hunk inside of his lion, (Y/N)'a face immediately lit up, "Hunk!" He nearly yelled, which did startle the yellow paladin, "(Y/N)! It's good to see you! I'm a little busy, but don't worry we're almost finished with the beast," he said and he yelled that he was ready for the next move. He watched him and sat down in the common room where he normally was whenever they weren't on a mission, he saw Hunk roll his eyes and he looked at (Y/N) with a small blush and a smile, "Yes Lance I am talking with my boyfriend, yes I am worried about him," he listened and looked at (Y/N), "Are you worried about me?" "Very, very worried," (Y/N) replied and watched as he smiled and heard small aww's coming from the team.
(Y/N) watched as Hunk and the rest of the team continued to fight and then, they had won and (Y/N) nearly threw down the tablet as he waited for the paladins to return to the castle. He got up and ran to the bay, as he heard the lions docking on the castle, he ran to where the large yellow lion was and he saw the jaw open and he sprinted as fast as he could. He saw Hunk had exited the lion and he took of his helmet and before he could do anything else (Y/N) had jumped at him, and they both hit the floor, (Y/N) had wrapped his arms around Hunk and was nearly squeezing him to death.
Hunk sat up and he hugged (Y/N) back as he sat in his lap, the rest of the team awwed and then went to go change out of their paladin armor, (Y/N) pulled back a little so he could see Hunk, he placed a kiss on his nose, "I missed you," he said softly as he leaned his head against his boyfriends, Hunk chuckled, "Really? I couldn't tell," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm as he stood up. (Y/N) climbed off of Hunk and then intertwined his fingers with his. He walked closely to him as they approached Hunk's room, "I've gotta change so I'll be right out", he said kissing (Y/N)'s head and letting go of their hand.
(Y/N) sighed contently and made his way to the common room where he saw Lance and Pidge chilling, Keith was most likely on the training deck and Shiro somewhere with Allura. He sat down on the couch next to Lance, and from his relaxed state Lance opened an eye and looked at (Y/N), "You worry a lot about him, don't you trust that he's going to be ok?" He asked, with a serious tone. (Y/N) shrugged and put his arms under his head and leaned back, "Yeah, but it's just in my nature to worry I guess," he said letting out a deep breath and closing his eyes, enjoying the comfortable silence.
When he heard footsteps he opened his eyes and sat up to see Hunk, he walked over and gave his giant teddy bear of a boyfriend a hug and a kiss, "Get a room UOU two!" Lance groaned. The two laughed at Lance and walked hand in hand to the kitchen, "Wanna help me out today?" He asked (Y/N), "Really! You'll let me!?" He asked, jumping with excitement, Hunk chuckled, "Yeah, c'mon let's get started!" He said and grabbed his apron, while handing (Y/N) a spare one he had.
Hunk had started on a dish and was moving fluidly through the kitchen, and when he wanted (Y/N) to help, for instance cutting up an alien vegetable that looked like a cucumber, but less green and more blue, he was behind him and guiding his hands with his cheek pressed to theirs. As they both worked their magic in the kitchen, (Y/N) was absolutely loving all the small things Hunk did to help him out and once Hunk had put the finished piece in the Altean version of an oven, "Now we wait!" He said and leaned against the counter.
Suddenly they could hear music playing, and it was sweet and playful, but you could definitely dance to it, (Y/N) went over to Hunk and grabbed him and pulled him into a dancing position for the two of them, and they both pranced and twirled around the kitchen as the music continued.
They laughed and Hunk spun (Y/N) one last time as the music ended and he pulled them close, "Love you," he said kissing him, to which (Y/N) gladly returned. The timer went off and Hunk grabbed his oven mitts and pulled out the hot and delicious smelling space casserole and set it on the counter, "Dinners ready!" He yelled so it would carry throughout the castle and get most of the people into the dining room. (Y/N) looked at Hunk and he smiled, his boyfriend was one of a kind.

sick, i love Hunk with all my heart, 10/10 would love forever

also is it just me,,,but does anyone think Hunk would be like the best cuddler ever???? like,,,he just so soft and warm and, what a sunshine boy. mk im done.....

if u want something please don't be afraid to ask, i probably will do it, i don't have a lot of ideas.... thank have a good day/night whatever you've got going on

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