Tensions (With a Chance of Glitter)

Start from the beginning

"Are you going to stand out there all day, Amaimon?  Hurry and get in here." Said a rather grumpy Satan. Someone had  obviously made the God of Gehenna unhappy. "I hope you didn't come empty  handed, I've already had a very bad day."

Amaimon didn't hesitate  to grab the handle of the door and turned it. He was about to enter  when he noticed that Rin wasn't following him. Instead the half-demon  was standing there frozen in place. The Demon King sighed.

"Come  on Rin, we mustn't keep Father waiting, he gets impatient," Amaimon said  quietly as he reached out and held Rin's hand in his, making the  younger demon feel slightly awkward for moment. "Nothing bad is going to  happen, I promise you."

Rin thought he was ready to go in there  but it turned out that he wasn't. He didn't feel assured by the Demon  King's words. Who knew what Satan was really going to do. Hell, he  didn't even really know what the God of Gehenna wanted from him in the  first place. Still he managed to muster enough courage to move forward  when Amaimon tugged his arm (which still felt a little awkward.)

When  the two entered the room they took note of the pile of ash on the  floor. They then turned their attention to Satan, who seemed to be in a  better mood than he had been seconds ago. Satan was obviously happy to  see that Amaimon had succeeded. Amaimon let go of Rin's hand.

Amaimon  bowed down for his Father to show respect. When he had noticed that Rin  hadn't done the same thing he nudged him, silently telling him to do  the same. At first it seemed like Rin didn't get the hint so he nudged  him again. When he finally caught on, Rin hesitantly followed Amaimon's  lead.

The first thing Satan did was take a good look at Rin.  Although there wasn't that much of difference he could tell that there  had been some changes to the half-demon's appearance. Of course back  then Rin had still been human, therefore he had looked the part. The  only additions were the pointier ears and the tail.

"Congratulations,  you managed to do something neither I nor your brother managed to do. I  knew you could do it," Satan said with a smirk before getting up out of  his throne and slowly approached the two. When he got too close,  however, Rin instinctually stepped back, "Don't be like that Rin. I'm  not going to do anything to you."

Rin didn't believe a single word  that Satan said and instead reached back for his sword. However, it was  then that he noticed his sword wasn't in the usual spot. His eyes  widened as he came to realization that he must've left his sword behind  in Assiah. Great, now he didn't even have a weapon to fight Satan.  Still, that didn't stop him from glaring at his 'father.'

"You  just keep your distance from me, okay? I may have agreed to come here  but I still want nothing to do with you," Rin snapped and clenched his  fists, "You killed my old man, remember? Don't think that I'm going to  forgive you for that."

Satan sighed and shook his head. "I see  that you still haven't changed since we last met, still so naïve." The  Demon God shrugged, "That exorcist had it coming to him, he kept you  from me, after all but I assume your brother has already explained a few  things to you. You'll learn that it was the right thing to do."

Instead  of saying anything, Rin just continued to glare at Satan and a chill  could be felt throughout the room. Then he did something unexpected. He  charged at Satan without warning, not caring if he had a weapon or not.  He at least had his fists. However, before he could even make it to  Satan, he was stopped by Amaimon, who got in the middle of the two.

"Calm  down Rin. It's pointless trying to do anything, especially without the  Kurikara." Amaimon whispered in Rin's ear, not quite sure if Satan heard  him or not, "and trust me, you don't want to start a fight with Father.  Not unless you want to suffer a whole lot of pain."

Satan was  ready to defend himself against the angry half-demon but Amaimon had  already gotten in between them. Then Amaimon whispered something in  Rin's ear, something he couldn't quite here but whatever it was it  seemed to calm Rin down enough. He couldn't help but grin at Rin.

"I'm  sorry to interrupt but Rin's obviously had a long, stressful day. You  can blame that twin of his for that..." Amaimon muttered, showing obvious  distaste towards Yukio, "But I think it's best to continue this later  when he's cooled off. I think he may need to time to take this all in."

Satan  rose an eyebrow, curious as to what Amaimon was talking about. He would  just have to ask later. "I suppose this can be held off... for now. I  have much to explain to my youngest," he sighed and turned around,  heading back towards his throne. "I don't have any rooms prepared at the  moment, so he can just stay with you for the time being. Now you can  leave."

Amaimon nodded and before any more harm could be done he grabbed Rin's hand (still awkward) and took off.

|  And there was no glitter. Anyway, I am so sorry for not updating in so  long! I hope this does make up my shitty timing? Thank you to anyone who  has stuck by my story!|

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