Raging Blue Flames

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"Critical trigger, of course all effects go to phantom blaster dragon!" Aichi snarled at his young opponent.  The sixth damage (a screaming and dancing announcer shout - nova grapplers)  fell into the youngsters damage zone.

"I-I lost..." 

Aichi looked at the male with pity and superiority - like a lion would to its defeated prey. Instead of that of a poor and unfortunate antelope, he was ravenous for power. Power to defeat every opponent that dared to face him. Whether in a cardfight or in a physical standoff. 

Smirking satisfyingly Aichi collected the cards of his new cards up and left the victim of his new power to grovel at his inevitable defeat. When a child from the crowd of onlookers focused his gaze on the victor of the cardfight he noticed something. Something sinister. Dangerous. Unearthly. 

"Aichi Sendou, I challenge you to a cardfight" a friend of Aichi's previous opponent challenged determinedly. The blue haired boy halted his steps at the challenge and turned to face the daring individual. His blue eyes narrowed at the challengers hazel pair and seconds later the hazel - eyed challenger screamed in fear and fell backwards and his deck was dropped from his firm grip ending in cards scattered on the tiled white cement floor. 

"You are wasting my time, I can't get stronger fighting weaklings now can I?" The fallen challenger shook his head almost instinctively at the question. Fear present as vivid as the water in the Arabian Sea. At the reaction Aichi's smirk grew wider. 

"Aichi Sendou" A deep voice called out from behind causing the person in question to turn to the culprit of the call. Tetsu Shinjo. "It's time to bring you home." 

Aichi nodded, agreeing silently that if he were to stay away from home any longer Emi and his mother would become anxious as to his whereabouts. Striding out with confident, accurate steps he slipped into the vehicle located outside the cardshop. 

The ride was silent, Tetsu focused on the road in front and Aichi looking through his deck. After approximately fifteen minutes of silence the pair arrived at the willed destination. 

Aichi just walked out of the vehicle and into his house, not bothering to stop and say thank you. 

"Aichi! Where have you been? We have been so worried about you. Kai and Miwa were looking for you as well!" The youngest sibling questioned loudly - furiously. 

"I was with some new friends." was how Aichi blankly answered. "I'm tired, goodnight Emi" 

Not waiting his sister to reply, Aichi marched up the stairs and entered his room. He grasped the phone in his pocket tightly. He had the phone turned on silent mode so that it wouldn't bother him during one of his fights. 

Eight texts. Mostly from Miwa but there was one from Ren. 

Not interested in what Miwa was texting he opened the message from Ren. 

Ren: Be at headquarters tomorrow after school. Welcome to team Asteroid Aichi Sendou.

At the message Aichi smiled a sinister, arrogant, sadistic smile. He chose not to reply and suddenly, his bedroom door was slammed open and he found himself in a vice gripped hug against a flat chest. 

"Aichi! Buddy! Where have you been? I have been so worried!" Aichi recognized the voice of Miwa. 

"I was out fighting" he answered although, it came out rather muffled due to Miwa's tight embrace. Miwa loosened his grip around the small frame. When Miwa's grey eyes met Aichi's blue eyes Miwa saw something in them. He jumped backwards away from the boy that seemed a whole lot different than just a couple of days ago. 

"A-Aichi? What happened to you?" Miwa question and he saw what the boy at the card shop saw. 

"What do you mean Miwa? I am perfectly fine, you should go home though, it's late and there's school tomorrow." Aichi smiled the innocent smile that Miwa was accustomed to seeing however, Miwa could sense that there was something off. Different - and not a good different. 


Aichi grasped Miwa's trembling hand and only then did Miwa even notice that he was shaking, and dragged Miwa out of his room, down the stairs and out the front door. He abruptly let go of Miwa's hand and walked inside the house and before he closed the door he looked back at the shocked blonde haired boy and smiled. 

"Goodnight Miwa" 

The door shut leaving Miwa to wonder...

Aichi's eyes had something in them... something that resembled blue flames...

Hello! I am so sorry about the late update but, I managed to get it done finally! Yeah! Toi Merci for reading!

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