In Her Defense |Roronoa Zoro|

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**I don't own One Piece, or the cover photo, or any other photo found within this story.** 

[[A/N: I couldn't help myself. Have this oneshot.  Not set in any Arc, kind of jumps from between them but it all takes place before Thriller Bark.  This has no lemons, limes or any sort of citrus.   Also as a PPS, this did NOT end how I planned it to but it gave me a good idea for another story... Hmmm.]]

Yumiko glanced up at her captain as he screamed; her original feeling of alarm quickly dimmed when she heard the word 'island'. Immediately a continuous chant of "Food! Food! Meat! Meat!" began from the man who wore the straw hat and commanded the Thousand Sunny pirate crew, better known on the seas as the Straw Hat Pirates.

The winter island they could see on the horizon had their doctor, Tony Tony Chopper, laughing in excitement. The thought of snow always got a similar reaction from him.   His small form danced and jumped in glee, and she knew that later in the night when it would undoubtedly begin snowing, he would stay up all night to make snowmen with their captain, Luffy, and their sniper, Usopp; it happened like clockwork at every winter island they came to.

"Pay attention when the greatest sharpshooter in the world is trying to teach you something, Ranger Yumi. People have often stood astonished at the power my hands hold, and in great reverence refer to me as the Great Captain Usopp!!"

"Yes, Captain Usopp!" Yumiko yelled, standing at attention as the Great Liar Usopp grinned brightly, his exceedingly long nose turning up in pride. Yumi was known for letting Usopp have his fun, she never called him out on his obvious lies and in truth she enjoyed them as well as his stories, just as her sister Kaya did.

The liar and the enabler continued on their training session, Usopp working hard to help Yumiko with her long-range attacks.  More often than not, the girl was the first line of attack when it came to battles but after the last fight in which Yumi was badly injured, Usopp demanded she learn how to stay further away from the danger. He was terrified he'd have to return to his home town only to tell his first love, Kaya, that he'd let her sister die on the battlefield.

Yumi would never become the last line of defense, but for her soon-to-be brother-in-law's peace of mind, she agreed to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow as well as a gun. She'd been wanting to learn anyway so as to become a better fighter altogether and as there had been many instances when the girl had managed to lose her boomerang in the heat of battle, it would be good for her to be able to have secondary weapons and the knowledge required to use them.  

Later on that afternoon, when they'd docked at the new island and after they'd done their shopping, Nami struck up a conversation with Yumi, pointing out how Nami had seen the way she'd been staring at the crews swordsman. There was no shame nor embarrassment for Yumiko, she knew what she wanted out of life and she was never scared to fight for it.  

"He's very beautiful, and passionate, and loyal.  I'd be worried if someone didn't find him attractive."  Yumi covered her eyes, hoping to give them momentary relief from the constant bright white of the snow-covered island.  She could hear Nami giggle to her left, the sound soft and gentle while Franky, who had been so quiet both woman had forgotten that he was trailing after them let out a boisterous laugh.  

"Little sis has a crush on the swordsman!"  He boomed, causing Yumi to flinch at the loudness, her oversensitive ears often felt attacked whenever the blue-haired cyborg was involved.  

"It isn't a crush Franky," the pink haired woman frowned, thinking back on memories that involved Roronoa Zoro.  

A yawn broke through Yumi's lips as she cleaned Volcan, her bladed boomerang, of the drying blood of a Sea King.  Her scarred hands worked tirelessly to gently scrape away the blood from the thin steel before she began to sharpen the dulling blade. Beside her, a sleeping Zoro snored, ignoring his duties of night-watch as if knowing that Yumiko would pick up the slack without complaint.  

In Her Defense °One Piece°Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ