She leaned back at car when he was going to kiss her. In struggle to avoid him she almost fell at car having him at herself.

"So will you marry me...!" He asked kissing at side of her neck.

"No...!" After catching her breaths she replied in a squeaky voice. He entered his hands inside her shirt holding her from her waist.

"Will you marry me...!" He asked while planting hot wet kisses. She couldn't reply for few seconds but then again stubbornly she replied "NO". She could feel his smile while kissing her sweet spot.

He moved his hands up from her waist and they reached at her rib cages

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He moved his hands up from her waist and they reached at her rib cages. Now she felt her stubbornness was gonna give her tough time but still she replied "NO". This time manik gave a sensational love bite at her collar bone and she hissed in pleasurable burning. Her fingers fisted his hairs to compose herself.

"Will you marry me...!" He asked again and she once again shook her head when she have lost all strength to speak. This time his hands grabbed hem of her bra when she leaving his head held his hands to stop from moving further up.

"Yes...!" She replied still catching her uneven heavy breaths. Manik smiled fully while still busy kissing her jawline, throat, cleavage and at other side he was trying to make his hands free from her hold to move further up.

"Manik please stop, I said yes already...!" She again said in pleading voice this time manik looked up at her face.

"I didn't say, I will stop if you will say yes.....?" Saying this he was going to kiss her lips when she turned her face at other side. His smirking eyes twinkled more when a crimson red tint shone through her features.

"Let's celebrate our wedding night in advance today. See how peaceful and private place is this. No one gonna come here. What you say...!" He asked having hell serious face. Nandni looked back towards him all shocked and having flushed features.

"Manik. Leave me. Manik...!" Now after listening his demand she started full struggle to push him away. He laughed keeping his firm solid hold at her.

"Ouch..." she hissed in pain while holding her stomach.

"Hey what happened. Sorry I'm sorry. Did I hurt you...!" Manik worryingly jumped back of her. With worried face he was looking at her and encircling arm around her back he made her sit straight. Nandni was still having all painful expressions and manik was looking at her guiltily.

"Are you ok...!" He asked while rubbing her back gently.

"Ummmm. Yes I'm fine...!" Saying this she jumped of the car and almost ran away from him. Now it was turn of manik's to become shocked. Listening her giggles he understood she made him fool.

"Ok tou mrs malhotra you playing pranks with me...!" Manik said while folding his sleeves up. He moved forward in her direction when she stepped back immediately.

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