Think You Broke Me

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Chapter 1

Rinnnng!!! Ahhh I hate that alarm so much. My name is Isabelle Rose Katherine Dahlia Williams and I am 16 years old. I live with my twin brother and older brother. My twin brother's name is Alexander Charles Daniel Eleazar Williams and my older brother’s name is Nathanial Christopher Sebastian Isaac Williams. I know that our names our so long but our mum decided that it would be fun if she gave us long terrible names well not really terrible but long. Anyway I am the youngest in my family so everyone treats me like child. “D hurry up if you want some blood" yelled Alex. Yeah he said blood the thing I forgot to say is that my family and I are vampires but not those sparkly gay vampires like in Twilight man I hate that movie or book or comic whatever. Anyway we are not the type of vampires that eat animal blood or can imprint on people or shit like that I don't think any vampire does. Each vampire or werewolf is born with a mate who they have to love forever. It is very rare that vampire and werewolves are mates. My brothers and I have already found ours. My mate rejected me 100 years ago and Alex's rejected him to be with her family and she was human so she would have died unless she was bitten. Nat's mate died in a rogue attack. "Hurry up D" yelled Nat. I ran downstairs and drank my blood and left for school in 5 minutes.

When I got to school the school slut and her whore friends walked up to my bike. “Ahhh I see you are still a loser." she said looking at me from top to bottom with an ugly scowl on her plastic Barbie doll face. I put my hand on my face to make it look like I am observing her. She was wearing a hot pink dress which had a zip down the front. The zip was down half way and she wore a tight, small bra which was so small it basically covered nothing. Her dress was so short that if bent down her ass would show. Everything about Jessica screamed I am a whore. I finally stated" I see you and your whore friends or buddies are still sluts." Her face turned from a scowl to red and she basically screamed " At least boys like me and I am way prettier" I started smirking and said " One boys like you because you are their fuck buddy and they are either man- whores or idiots two I would not call a plastic... thing with way too much make-up on pretty if it killed me" I walked away after slinging my bag on my shoulder. After strutting a few metres I looked back and she had her arms crossed and she was stamping her feet. When she saw me looking she screamed " you stupid bitch" which drew a lot of attention.

I got to my class straight away which caused my horny old ugly teacher to raise his eyebrows and look a me funny. He even had the nerve to look at me up and down and wiggle his eyebrows. I showed the finger and gave him a murderous glare which wiped that dirty grin of his wrikled prune face. I went sat down and put my headphones in and put my feet. Suddenly saw my best friend Tyler making out with Vicky. Tyler is my best friend and his mate name is Victoria. They were part of a gang but quit and their gang beat until they were almost dead. I ran them on the streets. When I turned Tyler he found out that Vicky was his mate. Once I turned Vicky she and Tyler started going out and so far they have gotten married 4 times. Anyway I saw Jessica walk in with her fuck buddies which were both girls and boys. Apparently kissing girls got more boys to fuck her. She stared at the teacher with a flirtous smile and started swaying her hips and walking towards her desk. I stared at her in disgust as did most girls. You would think that girls that didn't like Jessica would stay away but most girls except the loners or nerds would have a love-hate relationship with her. I slept through the entire lesson until rudely shook me awake and walked out the door smirking. Stupid bastard once i get him alone I am going to beat the shit out of that little prick. When I walked into my next class I smelt the most amazing smell. I bumped into someone and sparks flew. I looked up to find.....................

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