"Are you sure you're okay?" Maya asked.

"I'm fine." She nodded.

"You need to be careful okay. With the wicked witch-" David started as he looked to her.

"I know dad." She smiled to him. "Take care of mom. I'll be with Regina." She said as she looked to him and he nodded.

She used her map to get to the room and walked in. Regina taught her a lot more types of magic other than her signature push. She learned how to lift people, use objects to chain someone down, how to dissolve flying monkeys and how to quickly teleport out of there is no other option. Regina wanted to teach her the ways to kill, but she knew Maya had the hero gene and she didn't even bother trying. After a while they went to dinner.

Maya quickly finished wanting to meet Zach. Her mom seemed a lot happier then earlier and they both still announced the pregnancy. She assumed David did some convincing.

She walked out and waited making sure he wouldn't sneak up on her. She heard a noise from the hallway and she looked to it and walked before realizing the trick. She turned around and saw him standing there. "Almost got me." She smiled looking to him.

"I was so close." He sighed as he looked to her and they started walking.

"How was your day?" He asked as she chuckled a little.

"The wicked witch threatened my soon to be sibling that I just found out about. I then used my magic against her which angered her and Regina taught me how to defend myself because the wicked witch might be after me because of my power." She said before taking a deep breath.

"Well then." He said as they walked. "My day was great too thanks for asking." He smiled looking to her.

"Oh nice. I'm glad." She nudged him. "What did you do today?"

"I shot some arrows and then took a nap." He smiled to her. "So are you okay now after the witch visit and all?" He asked looking to her.

"Yeah. My mom and dad are shaken up more then I am." She answered looking to him.

They walked around for a while talking and getting lost in the long halls. After a while they got to the back and to the garden.

They walked out before they heard screeching. "Did you-" Maya started.

"Watch out!" Zach said as he pulled her down and a flying monkey flew over. It came at Maya again and Zach pulled at her.

"Step back. I got this." She said looking to the monkey. She put her hands to it pushing it back with a white light and tied it to a tree. "Go back to where you came from." She said as she twirled her fingers and the monkey disappeared. Just then another two came by. She didn't want to hurt them but she had no choice. She put her hands at them and dissolved them.

"There's more coming Maya!" Zach said as he looked to her. "We have to go!"

She looked to him and grabbed his hand. She transported to the hallway in front of her door.

"Why were there so many?" Zach asked out of breath.

"Zelena must have cast something that makes them attack every time I walk outside." Maya sighed. "I guess now I'm on house arrest."

"Are you okay?" He asked looking to her.

"Yes. They didn't get me." She said looking to him as he smiled.

"I've got to admit, you scared me for a second. I didn't think you could get all of those monkeys." He said looking to her.

"I'm powerful. I just needed to learn how to use it." She sighed. "I'm glad you're okay too." She smiled to him.

"So much for the some sort of date." He said looking down.

"I had a good time." She smiled. "Besides in my family, it's not really a date if we aren't fighting something." She chuckled looking to him. "Cheer up." She smiled putting her hand on his shoulder making him look to her. "You can make it up to me." She smiled.

He looked to her with a small smile. "How do you plan on me doing that?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Well I don't know. Maybe by another walk, or shooting practice, or-" she started looking to him before she felt his lips on hers. She closed her eyes and kissed him as she put her hands on his chest and he held her waist. They stopped and she caught her breath. "Or that. I guess that works too." She said as they both chuckled.

"I'm glad it worked." He said with a smile.

"I'm sure." Maya replied with a chuckle.

"You're so brave and funny and beautiful." He said looking to her. "And powerful." He added as she smiled.

"Well now I have to use that power. I have to find a way to defeat Zelena, and I have a feeling my parents have already started thinking." She looked to him.

He nodded to her as he let go. "You can do it. I'm sure of it."

"Thank you." She smiled as she walked away.

"And Maya." He said as she turned to him. "Be careful." He said as Maya nodded.

"I will." She nodded as she went to find a way to defeat the witch.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]Where stories live. Discover now