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"Why wouldn't I be?" Maya asked confused looking to her belly.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter." Snow smiled.

"We've gathered the whole kingdom to tell them about the pregnancy." David grinned to Maya who gave him a hug.

"Really at a time like this? It's to dangerous." Regina said looking to them.

"We want to give them hope." Snow explained.

"You're pregnant, you didn't invent the wheel." Regina said looking to her as someone walked over to them.

"Who's this?" David asked as the woman took off her hood.

"Belle? Where's Neal?" Snow asked looking to her.

"We went to see if we could revive the dark one." She explained looking to Regina.

"What happened?" The black haired woman asked.

Belle began to explain how they resurrected him, but he absorbed Neal into himself because it was a life for a life situation. She wasn't sure if either of them were alive but she knew that Zelena had them locked up in Rumples castle.

Aurora then admitted that she knew why Zelena was doing this and that she didn't tell them because Zelena threatened her and her baby.

"And I make good on my promises." A green women in black said coming in on a broom. It was undoubtedly the wicked witch.

"What do you want with our baby?" Snow asked angrily.

"Calm down sweetie, you don't want to go into early labor." Zelena said with a smile before freezing her in place.

"Stay away from my wife!" Charming yelled before he was frozen too.

"Ooh! Someone's testy." Zelena said looking to him.

Maya put her hand up ready to attack when Regina spoke up. "Enough sis. This is between you and me." She started as Zelena froze her too.

"Now let's see if this was all worth it." Zelena said walking to Snow.

"Don't touch her!" Maya said as she zapped magic at Zelena pushing her back.

"Ah!" Zelena said as she held her shoulder. "Who the hell are you?" She screamed.

"My name is Maya." She said looking to Zelena walking towards her. "And you chose the wrong family to mess with." She said as she looked to Zelena who looked like she was burning from Maya's magic.

"I'll be back." She yelled grabbing her stick still in pain. "And don't expect me to be as gentle!" She yelled as she got on her room and left causing her family to unfreeze.

"Are you okay?" Maya asked looking to her mom.

"I think so." Her mom nodded.

Maya what did you do to her? To make her... burn like that?" Regina asked.

"I did what I normally do which is just push them away but it was like the push was consuming her or something." Maya said confused.

"Your magic hurts her. Now that she knows that, she'll be after you, especially your magic." Regina said as Maya sighed looking to her.

"Then we will have to train more. If she's after me too then I have to learn to defend myself wth my magic." Maya said looking to her.

"I always knew you were the most reasonable one." Regina nodded. "Meet me in the positions room in ten minutes." Regina said as Maya looked to her mom.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora