Goodnight and not Goodbye

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Jack Morrison's hands were shaking as he shuffled papers into a metal briefcase on his desk. It was difficult to see, the electricity had been gone for some time then. The only light he had to see by were the flames from the other buildings and the lightning flickering in the distance from the on coming storm. Heaven and hell was colliding under his feet. Blackwatch turned against Overwatch, and it was all his fault. His best friend, his lover, his husband led the revolt. If only he had listened, if only....there was so much he could have done to stop this. He had been so caught up in the stress of his position and the UN stomping his balls all the time. He hadn't paid any attention to the storm brewing under the surface of the organization. 

He ran a shaky hand through sweaty blonde hair that tried to stick to his forehead.  Jack could have kicked himself. This would have been so easy to see coming if he had just looked around. With Gerard dead, it would have been so easy for Talon to creep into their midst. Especially with Amelie. And she had been just a dancer, what would they do with a trained soldier?! He supposed he would find out soon enough. That was several months ago. This whole riot could have been Talon organized. What about Gabe? Would they have gotten Gabe to kill him as well? Did anyone even know about the two of them? Publicly anyways. Only very close and trusted friends and family knew. Were their families alright? Jack couldnt stifle these thoughts as he tried to keep a level head, 

He closed the case with an audible click and a heavy sigh. He hoped all the papers that were needed were in there.cAlong with other personal things he needed. It was an emergency case, most of the agents had one. Packed with extra everything in time of need. Jack turned just in time to see the windows shatter into a rain of glass. An explosion rocked the building from underneath, like thunder finally closing in over the countryside. The foundation stayed strong, though he knew he had little time now.  Jack gripped the briefcase and and picked up his beloved pulse rifle.

He turned down the stairwell just in time for knuckles to collide with his jaw. It was like slamming into a brick wall. The punch had taken him off guard and he fell to the floor. He looked up at his assailant. At first it was only darkness, but as lightening flashed through the open window frame, he saw who it was and gasped.  Blackwatch Commander Gabriel Reyes stood before him, breathing heavily.

"G-Gabi, honey, please..." Jack pleaded, adrenaline and panic coursing through his veins.  Gabe scoffed. "It's too late this time, Jack. No more pleases, no more 'in a little's. This is it. The end. I was pushed too fucking far this time, boy scout." Jack pushed himself to his feet cautiously. "I-Its not too late, it can't be. It's never too late. We can stop this, it doesn't have to be like this. We dont have to continue this fight." Jack pleaded with his husband. Gabe looked into Jack's eyes. Jack was startled that his eyes, his expression, it wasn't angry. It was sad, melancholy. The hope was gone. As much of Jack's world was coming crashing down, Gabe's was too. He blinked through teary eyes.

"Cariño, I love you. That's never stopped. Never will. But this 'perfect life' is over." He gripped Jack's collar with a lightening fast motion and picked him up, holding him against the wall. Jack clutched the briefcase and the rifle to his chest. Gabe moved and held him over the open space out the windows that were no more. Was he insane?! It was atleast six stories up. Jack looked at him, terrified. Gabe started singing softly, the same song they danced to on their wedding night. In the calm after the party when they were both home and able to enjoy each others company. "Goodnight my angel time to close your eyes..."

Jack's eyes went wide when he realized what Gabe was doing. He saw the detonator as Gabe pulled it from his pocket. "No, Gabe, NO!" Gabe tossed him, Jack yelling 'Gabriel' as he fell. Gabe turned away from the window. "and save these questions for another day.." He closed his eyes as he pushed the detonator. Flames engulfed him as the preset explosives throughout the building brought it crashing down.

~~Twenty or so minutes later.~~

Jack slowly stood, blood was dripping from his forehead. He looked around in a daze. 'What had happened....what had...oh my God. Gabe. He searched through the rubble. He felt numb, although he already had the briefcase. It's contents were lost to him at the moment. Fingers were also numb on the rifle. Finally, he found Gabriel. He was laying on his back, legs crushed and an iron rod through his abdomen. Hi had burns all over his body. Tears began to gush as he rushed over. "G-Gabi!" He fell to his knees, trying to cradle Gabe's neck and shoulders. His honey brown eyes flickered to life. "Hello, Angel. Are we..?" Gabe was numb, probably alittle delirious.

Realization took away the half lidded grogginess from his eyes. He looked down and swallowed hard.

"B-Be quiet, sweetheart, i-it's going to be alright. H-Help's co-" Gabe interupted his lover with a swat to his arm. "Leave me!" He snarled. Jack jumped looking startled, confused. "I'm not going to make it, Indiana. You need to run before they realize you're alive. You can't face the UN, nor can you-" He started coughing. When he wiped his mouth, blood smeared his hand. Jack was a mess, crying his eyes out. He knew he wouldn't be able to face the world. Not after this. "Gabe, I love you. We will...we will meet again, promise you'll wait for me." He whimpered before gently putting Gabe's head and shoulder back down and gave him a long, sweet kiss. He stood and started running. He didn't know where to, but he had to get away from this place.

"I love you too.." Gabe whispered as he closed his eyes. The darkness ate away the last little bit of life left inside him, his heart coming to a stand still.

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