Dinners and Dates and Love, Oh My!

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I got another call. It was from Maya.

"Hello?" I asked annoyed.

"Hello? Violet? Come quick! Something's happened!" Maya said scared.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's Lucas! Just come quick!"

She hung up and I put on my shoes and I rode the bus to the hospital.

"Lucas Friar, please," I told the lady at the front desk. This felt way too much like last time.

"Room 42," she said emotionless.

I ran down the hall, ignoring the 'please do not run' sight, down to Room 42.

I walked in and Lucas was lifeless. He had an oxygen tank next to him and a heart monitor beeping every second. I clutched the pocket knife my dad gave me when I was 10.

"Maya, what's going on?" I asked. She just looked down at the ground.

"Maya." I called again, and, again, she looked back down at the ground. She then fixed Lucas's blanket, as if trying to cover something.

"Maya!" She still ignored me.

"Maya, what's under the blanket?" She started to tear up.

Angry, I pulled back the blanket to reveal a knife wound on Lucas's chest.

"What happened?!" I asked on the verge on tears.

"Someone came in here. He said he wanted to be with you, but Lucas was in the way," she said in tears.

"Did he leave anything behind?"

"Yes. This picture of you and Lucas,"

She showed me the picture Lucas and I took when we arrived in Texas.

"How did he get this?"

"No clue. Did you have an encounter with anyone who wanted to be with you?"

I thought about it. I decided that if we were ever going to find out who was threatening Lucas, I'd have to be the one to do it. Alone.

"No," I lied.

"Well, keep a lookout. You're our only hope," she said

"Well, I don't, I'm sure Lucas will die knowing that someone made him happy," I said about to walk out the door.

"Yeah. He knows how much you love him,"

I turned around.


"I've spent days here telling him about you. I think he even has a crush on you now,"

I wanted to smile, but I didn't. That couldn't possibly he true.

"That's not true! It can't be!"

"I told him how much you loved him, and he's trying so hard to remember you, he really is. So much that the doctors had to give him sedations so he'd fall asleep because he was tiring himself out trying to remember. His body would reject the medicine because he was exhausted and stressed. I think he loves you too,"

I was in tears.

"That's not the same!" I yelled before walking out.


When I went home I saw my mom wearing a dress, makeup, earrings, high heels, and her hair was done. I could already tell it had something to do with Rick.

I had already met Rick. I had to admit, he was a cool guy. He tried real hard to win me over. I'll give him that. I had never met his kids, though. It had been two months since the accident with Lucas.

"Vi, I've left a dress, shoes, and earrings similar to mine on your bed. Please put them on and come down stairs," Mom said.
I didn't say anything. Instead, I just went to my room to put on the dress, shoes, and earrings. I never minded wearing a dress. What I did mind is that it was Rick who was going to see me.

After I was done, I went to the bathroom in my room, only to see my mother there with a curling iron.

"Awe, man," I said as I sat down in the chair that my mom had placed. I hated it when she curled my hair. She's always spray hairspray to where it'd go in my face and I could never move. At least I had my phone to listen to music.

After she curled my medium length hair with light curls, I sprayed perfume and put lotion on my arms and legs. I grabbed my normal, casual purse and started to walk out of my room.

"Oh, honey, I bought you a new purse," my mom said. She handed me this purse that had not straps. Actually, the strap was inside the purse. It looked like something someone would use in Hollywood.

"Why all this mom?" I asked.

"Because. My little girl deserves the best," she replied happily as she walked out the door.


When we got to the restaurant, I saw Rick and sitting next to him was a boy and a girl. Must be his kids.

The boy was wearing  a button up blue plaid shirt just like his dad. The girl was wearing...the same dress as me?! 

TEXAN LOVE: Love HurtsWhere stories live. Discover now