20 [] make a wish

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2 0 [] make a wish

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2 0 [] make a wish

song of the chapter: in the end [] vanessa carlton


MY WRISTS ACHE FROM THE rusted handcuffs that are a bit too small and my ankles are red from my constant movement against the ropes wrapped near my feet. My clothes are covered in dirt and torn in a few places from being thrown around like rag doll for the past few days. I squint as my eyes adjust go the minimal light inside the abandoned building. I groan, my voice raspy and low, as the large door creaks open and sunlight hits my tired eyes. A moment later I look up to see Sebastian Spencer standing in front of me holding a single lit birthday candle and a backpack. He slams the door closed and stalks toward me, careful not to let the flame go out.

"Sleep well, Adi?" Once he's within a few feet of me I spit at his feet, leaving saliva dripping down the toe his tattered boots. My actions earn me a strong slap across the cheek, my ears now ringing and the side of my face stinging. I glare at my "father" and he chuckles.

"Missed me?" He asks, circling me like a vulture.

"Hell no." I seethe and he delivers a kick to my abdomen. I wince as he smirks.

"Wrong answer." I raise my eyebrows as he takes a smartphone and tripod from the bag. As he sets it up I croak out a 'what's that?'. He looks up and grins.

"So glad you asked. This," he gestures toward the cellphone," is going to make you famous. You see I made a few friends in prison and most of em owe me a favor. This one guy's a tech wiz and as we speak he's hacking the digital billboards in Times Square." A gasp escapes my lips as dad inches closer

"Action." He whispers almost inaudibly, wrapping his large hand around my neck. He brings the candle in front of my face with the other hand.

"This will be your last breath. Make a wish." The man I thought I knew clenches his fist, cutting off my air supply. I gasp, blowing out the candle, and wrestle against his grip but he doesn't move. I start to feel lightheaded, my vision blurring as every part of my body starts to weigh me down. I struggle against my father's ever-tightening hold even though I'm aware my attempts are futile.

"Happy Birthday." I hear as my eyes close, my body finally giving up, my mind surrendering to the looming darkness.

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