What are Friends for!

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*Ha ji min, wow, that's a great choice. She'll suit Ji Chang wook,Why did they even consider Lee Sung Kyung? She isn't even lead material.*

*You have clearly not watched Weighlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. She nailed the role. I wasn't a fan of hers but she completely won me over. Also, in spite of being a top model she gained weight for the role. I appreciate her dedication to the character too*.

Lee Sung Kyung sighed and casually threw the phone on to the sofa. She had just declined a title role of a drama offered on a good channel and was facing the backlash. She didn't feel ready that was one of the main reasons she had decided to back out. Playing Kim Bok Joo had taken a lot out of her. The attention that followed intimidated her further. She needed some time off to heal and to feel rejuvenated. Besides, she wanted a bright character to play. She was temporarily done with characters that had the touch of insane.

She was feeling mopey again after reading the comments. She knew there was a lot of love for her out there even then it was tiring to read some of the comments. She couldn't help but feel sad about how sometimes hard work and genuine sentiments were not respected enough.

She heard the door bell and was surprised to find Yoon Kyung Sang & Lee Jong Suk on the monitor. Why had they suddenly decided to drop in. She checked her phone, had she forgotten some get together plan?

They barged in chatting away casually, side hugging her in greeting. They were two of her closest friends but she hadn't met them in a long time now. She felt slightly guilty about that as it occurred to her that they had come to cheer her up.

"Wow, I'm honored to have top stars in Korea visiting my humble abode"
She said lightly. Jong suk punched her forearms making her wince.

"Ouch. That hurts"

He shrugged while Yoon Kyung Sang made himself comfortable on the dinning table emptying the contents of the grocery bag on it.

"Ya!! What's all this?"
Sung kyung asked as she inspected the items on her table. They were mostly food and drinks.

"We came to cheer you up but you seem just fine" said Yoon Kyung Sang as he playfully glared at Jong suk.
Her expression softened as she thanked them.
"Kyung sang ah, didn't you have drama shooting today ?" She asked, concerned.
"No, had a day off" He shrugged as he unwrapped a sausage and started nibbling on it.
"What about you Jong suk ah" she asked turning to jong suk who was inspecting the roses in her flower vase.
"Who's been sending you roses?", he asked completely ignoring her question.
She just rolled her eyes. They were always like that. Many years of friendship had made it easy for them to ignore each other's questions without anyone taking offense.
"Last time you guys came home to console me about winning the daesang" laughed Jong Suk.
Both Kyung Sang and Sung Kyung groaned at the joke. They had been a moral support to him when he was bashed for not making a satisfying speech at getting the coveted Daesang. As was his habit, he had chosen to joke about their attempt at comforting him.

"So biblee what's up with you ? You are supposed to be bawling your eyes out right now?" Asked JS.

"Are you saying something,  superstar?"
Sung Kyung rolled her eyes again.

"I'm just saying this is unlike you.. you need a good cry usually, it doesn't seem like you have" JS elaborated while YKS concentrated on eating the chocolate he had just unwrapped.

Sung Kyung smiled. Even though completely annoying when he interrogates, it was touching that he knew her well.

This time she shrugged and asked the two if they'll have dinner. Both nodded as they settled themselves on the dinning table bantering away while she got the dinner ready. She would occasionally call them useless for being of no help. But they would shrug and continue without a care. It did keep her mind occupied. So occupied in fact that she had not checked her phone in hours.

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