Chapter 2: Second Times a Charm. Or is it the Third?

Start from the beginning

"You'll have to forgive me." he said in between his chuckles. "But to see two people that where raised with such different cultures, it's such..... a beautiful sight."

I once agin slight shuffle my chair until I'm dead centre of the back of my desk. "I think I'm starting to see why this desk was empty." I say inside my head.

Just then Mr. Katashi entered the room. He quickly scanned over the entire classroom before slumping onto the top of his desk. "Alright everyone, can you all return to your seats for a moment, I need to explain what the plan for today is."

Once again everyone returned to their seats, with some clear anticipation on what types of thing's they're going to do at school like this. Mr. Katashi cleared his throat. "Now of course this is al- well most of us second day here." I could feel all eyes on me as soon as he said that. "Anyway, we'll be going through the same structure that we did yesterday. We'll have some traditional school lessons, while the final session will be a free period. So, let's all just do this day without any surprises."

"Where's the fun in that?" Kokichi jokingly asked.

Mr. Katashi simply sighed in a slightly defeated manor. "Why am I even asking?" he muttered to himself.


(3rd P.O.V)

The first lesson that occurred was science or more specifically biology. The class where told to do an experiment for the session and Y/N got paired with Keebo and Kokichi to preform frog dissection. Y/N looked down at the dead specimen with slight grimace, he never actually dissected  something in biology before, not to mention he was a little squeamish so he was a little uncomfortable.

He picked up a scalpel and gave it the frog's stomach a slight poke. Keebo noticed his behavioral patterns and decided to intervene. "Y/N you've been staring at the dead frog for a while now, is something the matter?"

"I'm just a little squeamish, so I have a hard time doing stuff like this."

Kokichi jumped in between the two. "You'll need to excuse Keebo here. Since he's a robot he often can't tell basic human feelings." he said with a childish smile.

Y/N's eyes widened at what he said. "Oh God, here it comes."he thought.

Keebo quickly became defensive. "I-I'll have you know that I am very knowledgeable on human emotions. I simply wanted to be sure on how Y/N  was feeling."

"Pretty sure everyone here except you could tell he wasn't feeling comfortable doing this just from looking at him. Right Y/N?"

"Keebo was just concerned is all, so leave him be. Can we please just focus on the experiment now."

Kokichi simply rolled his eyes with his smile still present. "Alright then."

Y/N once again looked down at the dead frog. "Do one of you think you can do this?"

Kokichi happily picked up a scalpel. "Leave it to me."

The entire class continued with experiment. Y/N and Keebo where a little disturbed at how comfortable Kokichi was at cutting open the frog while taking out all of its organs for the two of them to study and write down notes about. At one point he came across something in the frog that appeared to catch his eye.

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