Part 5

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One week has passed,and till now Kaira didn't get any information about the baby's parents.But they didn't lose hope to give their princess to her parents, just for the happiness of their princess.

It was Sunday and Kartik had decided to spend the whole day with his princess,so that Naira gets some rest.From the beginning of the day he didn't leave his princess for a minute also.From changing her diapers, feeding her milk, playing with her, making her bath everything he has only done.

The baby became much aquainted to Kaira and considered them as her parents.Kaira were also very happy with her.

One day Kartik and Naira decided to take their princess to dargah.Last time they went to dargah when Kartik proposed Naira.

Kartik along with Naira and the baby went to the dargah on his bike.After completing all the rituals,they tied the threads and wished that their princess soon gets her own parents.

Naira with her princess in her arms was tied the threads that a man grabbed princess from Naira's arms...

Naira(shouts):Kartik... humari princess!

Kartik gets shocked and run behind the man.Naira follows him.

As the man was running,a lady hit on his leg and he fell down and she took the baby...(Guys she is the same lady, who was playing with the baby in the mall)

(Guys she is the same lady, who was playing with the baby in the mall)

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Lady (teary eyed; worried):Baccha aapko kahi chot toh nahi lagi na

The baby smiled at her.She kissed her forehead.She saw Kartik and Naira coming. She quickly wiped her tears...

Kartik: Princess....

The lady gave the baby to Kartik.

Kartik kissed all over her face... Naira caressed her forehead.

Naira(teary eyed):Thank you

As she turned she found the lady nowhere.

QUESTION:Why is the lady so much attracted towards the baby?

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