Part 6

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It has been a whole 1 month and till now Kaira didn't get any information about the baby's parents.They went to the police station several times but no use.

It was Sunday,and Kartik was at home as usual playing with his princess.Naira was in the kitchen.The door bell rang ,Kartik with his princess in his arms opened the door to see inspector standing before him.

Kartik(confused): Inspector

Naira also came there and was surprised to see the inspector.

Inspector:Mr Kartik can I come in

Kartik:Ya..ya please 

The inspector goes and sits on the sofa.Naira goes to bring some snacks for him.Kartik goes and sits on the couch beside the sofa.

Naira brought some snacks and placed it on the table near the sofa. The inspector picked the cup of tea and as he took the first sip...

Inspector:Mr Kartik we have a news for you

Kartik became worried,and brought his princess close to his chest.Naira also went towards him and placed a hand on Kartik's shoulder and with one hand caressed her baby's hair.They had a mix expression of fear and happiness.The fear of losing their princess and the happiness of giving their princess to her own parents hit them.The baby also clutched Kartik's shirt tightly.But just after that what did the inspector say was just a surprising one.

Inspector: Mr Kartik the baby 

Kartik and Naira both looked hopefully at him.

Inspector:Mr Kartik the baby is an orphan.

Kartik and Naira were shocked and the baby became teary eyed.

Kartik: But how inspector!

Inspector:Mr Kartik it has been a whole 1 month and till now we didn't get information about her parents....and the parents also didn't come to pick her up.So it is clear with this all that she is an orphan.Iske saath kuch bahot Bura hadsa hua hai,in which she lost her parents.

After a while....

Inspector: It's better you send her to a orphanage

Kartik stood up

Kartik looked at the inspector

Kartik: Orphanage!

Naira said him to calm down from behind....he sat down.

Kartik:She won't go to a orphanage.Even though her real parents are no more,we are alive till now and we consider her as our own daughter. I and wife have suffered through this problem and we don't want that our princess also suffers.She has her parents and no need to send her to a Orphanage.We will give her each and every happiness of the world.

He then looks at Naira who has tear in her eyes and positively nods keeping a hand on his shoulder.

Kartik:She is our daughter,our princess and she will stay with us.We will give her the same happiness which we would have given to our own baby.

The baby looks at him and smiles,Kartik kisses her forehead.

Inspector (smiles):If it is okay with you,then why should I have any problem.I am pleased that you have decided to keep her with you.But remember, please complete all the paperworks so that you don't have any problem in future.

The inspector bid them bye. Kartik and Naira's happiness had no bounds.

Kartik and Naira (looking at the baby): You are our daughter ,KIA

They kiss their daughter forehead,and our Kia smiles at her parents.....

But then what happens was the most happiest thing of the world

Kia(in broken words) she said looking at Kartik 

Kartik looked surprisingly at her,teary eyed.

Kartik(teary eyed): What you said right now princess please say once again

She again said looking at Naira

Naira too was now surprised and teary eyed.

Kartik and Naira (teary eyed): Princess please say once again please

Kartik and Naira both were shedding tears of joy.The baby smiled at them.They kissed her forehead and they framed a happy family.

PRECAP:Leap of 2 years....

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