and were walking and were walking and were walking.

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Arielle was texting her best friend sam so Arielle could get out of the house for once and go out side. What a miracle!1!1
Sam said yes, of course. So they met up at a park and started walking, even tho it was midnight. They probably shouldn't have been out but yannow there kids. They do what they want.

     15 Minutes Later
Sam dared Arielle to go into the haunted cemetery alone. Arielle said no at first but she didn't want to seem like a loser so she went. Alone. Arielle ran for the haunted house leaving sam alone. Arielle was soon so far away she couldn't see sam anymore. She started to look around and get the chills and be a little spooked.

Arielles POV
It was fricken creepy being out here alone. No  one else arou— someone jumped out of the bush and scared me! He was hot though. We started talking and I asked what his name was he said "Moldster Moon but call me moon, darling" he was so nice and hot I just can't.

Molester Moon X Arielle 🌚Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant